Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/849

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[76 Stat. 801]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 801]

76 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 87-783-OCT. 10, 1962


have resided in either or both states for at least twelve months immediately preceding the application for the license. Within six months after the effective date of this compact, the Commission shall adopt a schedule of licenses, the privileges granted thereby, and the fees therefor, which may be modified from time to time in the discretion of the Commission. "(c) The licenses hereby authorized may be issued at such places, by such persons, and in accordance with such procedures as the Commission may determine. "SEC. 5. EXPENDITURES.—The Commission is authorized to expend funds for the purposes of general administration, repletion of the fish and shellfish in the Potomac River, and the conservation and research programs authorized under this compact, subject to the limitations provided in this compact. "SEC. 6. GRANTS, CONTRIBUTIONS, ETC.—The Commission is authorized to receive and accept (or to refuse) from any and all public and private sources such grants, contributions, appropriations, donations, and gifts as may be given to it, which shall be paid into and become part of the General Fund of the Commission, except where the donor instructs that it shall be used for a specific project, study, purpose, or program, in which event it shall be placed in a special account, which shall be administered under the same procedure as that prescribed for the General Fund. "SEC. 7. COOPERATION OF STATE AGENCIES.—The Commission may call upon the resources and assistance of the Virginia Fisheries Laboratory, the Maryland Department of Research and Education, and all other agencies, institutions, and departments of Maryland and Virginia which shall cooperate fully with the Commission upon such request. "SEC. 8. REGULATIONS.—The Commission shall have the power to make, adopt and publish such rules and regulations as may be necessary or desirable for the conduct of its meetings, such hearings as it may from time to time hold, and for the administration of its affairs. "SEC. 9. INSPECTION TAX.—The Commission may impose an inspection tax, in an amount as fixed from time to time by the Commission, not exceeding 250 per bushel, upon all oysters caught within the limits of the Potomac River. The tax shall be paid by the buyer at the place in Maryland or Virginia where the oysters are unloaded from vessels and are to be shipped no further in bulk in vessel, to an agent of the Commission, or to such officer or employee of the Virginia Fisheries Commission or of the Maryland Department of Tidewater Fisheries, as may be designated by the Commission, and by him paid over to the Commission. "ARTICLE "COMMISSION




1. NOTICE, HEARING, VOTE.—No regulation shall be adopted by the Commission unless: " (a) A public hearing is held thereon; " (b) Prior to the hearing the Commission has given notice of the proposed regulation b^^ publication thereof at least once a week for three successive weeks in at least one newspaper published, or having a general circulation in each county of Maryland and Virginia contiguous to the waters within the Commission's jurisdiction, the first such publication to be at least thirty days but not more than forty-five days prior to the date of the hearing; "(c) A copy of the proposed regulation is mailed at least thirty days but not more than forty-five days prior to the hearing, to the clerk of the court of each county of Maryland and Virginia contiguous "SECTION

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