Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/934

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[76 Stat. 886]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 886]


PUBLIC LAW 87-794-OCT. 11, 1%2

[76 STAT.

trade agreements) have caused serious injury or threat thereof to such firm. (2) The Secretary of Labor Shall certify, as eligible to apply for adjustment assistance under chapter 3, any group of workers in an industry with respect to which the President has acted under subsection (a)(3), upon a showing by such group of workers to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Labor that the increased imports (which the Tariff Commission has determined to result from concessions granted under trade agreements) have caused or threatened to cause unemployment or underemployment of a significant number or proportion of workers of such workers' firm or subdivision thereof. (c) After receiving a report from the Tariff Commission containing an afiiianative finding under section 301(c) with respect to any firm or group of workers, the President may certify that such firm or group of workers is eligible to apply for adjustment assistance. (d) Any certification under subsection (b) or (c) that a group of workers is eligible to apply for adjustment assistance shall specify the date on which the unemployment or underemployment began or threatens to begin. (e) Whenever the President determines, with respect to any certification of the eligibility of a group of workers, that separations from the firm or subdivision thereof are no longer attributable to the conditions specified in section 301(c)(2) or in subsection (b)(2) of this section, he shall terminate the effect of such certification. Such termination shall apply only with respect to separations occurring after the termination date specified by the President. CHAPTER 2—ASSISTANCE TO FIRMS SEC. 311. CERTIFICATION OF ADJUSTMENT PROPOSALS.

(a) A firm certified under section 302 as eligible to apply for adjustment assistance may, at any time within 2 years after the date of such certification, file an application with the Secretary of Commerce for adjustment assistance under this chapter. Within a reasonable time after filing its application, the firm shall present a proposal for its economic adjustment. (b) Adjustment assistance under this chapter consists of technical assistance, financial assistance, and tax assistance, which may be furnished singly or in combination. Except as provided in subsection (c), no adjustment assistance shall be provided to a firm under this chapter until its adjustment proposal shall have been certified by the Secretary of Commerce— (1) to be reasonably calculated materially to contribute to the economic adjustment of the firm, (2) to give adequate consideration to the interests of the workers of such firm adversely affected by actions taken in carrying out trade agreements, and (3) to demonstrate that the firm will make all reasonable efforts to use its own resources for economic development. (c) I n order to assist a firm which has applied for adjustment assistance under this chapter in preparing a sound adjustment proposal, the Secretary of Commerce may furnish technical assistance to such firm prior to certification of its adjustment proposal. (d) Any certification made pursuant to this section shall remain in force only for such period as the Secretary of Commerce may prescribe. SEC. 312. USE OF EXISTING AGENCIES.

(a) The Secretary of Commerce shall refer each certified adjustment proposal to such agency or agencies as he determines to be appropriate to furnish the technical and financial assistance necessary to carry out such proposal.