Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/944

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[76 Stat. 896]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 896]


PUBLIC LAW 87-794-OCT. 11, 1962

[76 STAT.

(2) such relocation occurs within a reasonable period after the filing of such application or (in the case of a worker who has been referred to training by the Secretary of Labor) within a reasonable period after the conclusion of such training. SEC. 330. RELOCATION ALLOWANCE DEFINED. "Relocation aiFor purposes of this Subchapter, the term "relocation allowance" lowance.M meaus— (1) the reasonable and necessary expenses, as specified in regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor, incurred in transporting a worker and his family and their household effects, and (2) a lump sum equivalent to two and one-half times the average weekly manufacturing wage. Subchapter D—General Provisions SEC. 331. AGREEMENTS WITH STATES. (a) The Secretary of Labor is authorized on behalf of the United States to enter into an agreement with any State, or with any State agency. Under such an agreement, the State agency (1) as agent of the United States, will receive applications for, and will provide, assistance on the basis provided in this chapter, (2) where appropriate, will afford adversely affected workers who apply for assistance under this chapter testing, counseling, referral to training, and placement services, and (3) will otherwise cooperate with the Secretary of Labor and with other State and Federal agencies in providing assistance under this chapter. (b) Each agreement under this subchapter shall provide the terms and conditions upon which the agreement may be amended, suspended, or terminated. (c) Each agreement under this subchapter shall provide that unemployment insurance otherwise payable to any adversely affected worker will not be denied or reduced for any week by reason of any right to allowances under this chapter. SEC. 332. PAYMENTS TO STATES. (a) The Secretary of Labor shall from time to time certify to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment to each State which has entered into an agreement under section 331(1) the sums necessary to enable such State as agent of the United States to make payments of allowances provided for by this chapter, and (2) the sums reimbursable to a State pursuant to section 323(g). The Secretary of the Treasury, prior to audit or settlement by the General Accounting Office, shall make payment to the State in accordance with such certification, from the funds for carrying out the purposes of this chapter. Sums reimbursable to a State pursuant to section 323(g) shall be credited to the account of such State in the Unemployment Trust F u n d and shall be used only for the payment of cash benefits to individuals with respect to their unemployment, exclusive of expenses of administration. (b) All money paid a State under this section shall be used solely for the purposes for which it is paid; and any money so paid which is not used for such purposes shall be returned, at the time specified in the agreement under this subchapter, to the Treasury and credited to current applicable appropriations, funds, or accounts from which payments to States under this section may be made. (c) Any agreement under this subchapter may require any officer or employee of the State certifying payments or disbursing funds under the agreement, or otherwise participating in the performance of the agreement, to give a surety bond to the United States in such amount as the Secretary of Labor may deem necessary, and may provide for the payment of the cost of such bond from funds for carrying out the purposes of this chapter.