Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/949

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[76 Stat. 901]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 901]



PUBLIC LAW 87-794-OCT. 11, 1962


relevant, including idling of productive facilities, inability to operate at a level of reasonable profit, and unemployment or underemployment. (5) Advice by the Tariff Commission under this subsection shall be given on the basis of an investigation during the course of which the Tariff Commission shall hold a hearing at which interested persons shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be present, to produce evidence, and to be heard. (e) The President, as soon as practicable, shall take such action as he determines to be necessary to bring trade agreements entered into under section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930 into conformity with the 48 Stat. 943; provisions of this section. No trade agreement shall be entered into "^"'9 ulc lasi**^' under section 201(a) unless such agreement permits action in conformity with the provisions of this section.

SEC. 3 2 ORDERLY MARKETING AGREEMENTS. 5. (a) After receiving an affirmative finding of the Tariff-Commission under section 301(b) with respect to an industry, the President may, in lieu of exercising the authority contained in section 351(a)(1) but subject to the provisions of sections 351(a)(2), (3), and (4), negotiate international agreements with foreign countries limiting the export from such countries and the import into the United States of the article causing or threatening to cause serious injury to such industry, whenever he determines that such action would be more appropriate to prevent or remedy serious injury to such industry than action under section 351(a)(1). (b) I n order to carry out an agreement concluded under subsection (a), the President is authorized to issue regulations governing the entry or withdrawal from warehouse of the article covered by such agreement. In addition, in order to carry out a multilateral agreement concluded under subsection (a) among countries accounting for a significant part of world trade in the article covered by such agreement, the President is also authorized to issue regulations governing the entry or withdrawal from warehouse of the like article which is the product of countries not parties to such agreement.



(a) There is hereby created the Adjustment Assistance Advisory Board, which shall consist of the Secretary of Commerce, as Chairman, and the Secretaries of the Treasury, Agriculture, Labor, Interior, and Health, Education, and Welfare, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, and such other officers as the President deems appropriate. Each member of the Board may designate an officer of his agency to act for him as a member of the Board. The Chairman may from time to time invite the participation of officers of other agencies of the executive branch, (b) A t the request of the President, the Board shall advise him and the agencies furnishing adjustment assistance pursuant to chapters 2 and 3 on the development of coordinated programs for such assistance, giving full consideration to ways of preserving and restoring the employment relationship of firms and workers where possible, consistent with sound economic adjustment. (c) The Chairman may appoint for any industry an industry committee composed of members representing employers, workers, and the public, for the purpose of advising the Board. Members of any such committee shall, while attending meetings, be entitled to receive compensation and reimbursement as provided in section 401(3). The confuct of inteiprovisions of section 1003 of the National Defense Education Aot of =^*' e'^^'^p^on. 1958 (20 U.S.C. 583) shall apply to members of such committee. 72 st«t. 1603.