Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/959

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[76 Stat. 911]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 911]

76 STAT.]


PUBLIC LAW 87-805-OCT. 15, 1962

Public Law 87-805 AN ACT To amend the provisions contained in part II of the Interstate Commerce Act concerning registration of State certificates whereby a common carrier by motor vehicle may engage in interstate and foreign commerce within a State.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of section 206 of the Interstate Commerce Act is amended by striking out the last two sentences and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Pending the determination of any such application the continuance of such operation shall be lawful." SEC. 2. Subsection (a) of section 206 of the Interstate Commerce Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraphs: "(6) On and after the date of the enactment of this paragraph no certificate of public convenience and necessity under this part shall be I'equired for operations in interstate or foreign commerce by a common carrier by motor vehicle operating solely within a single State and not controlled by, controlling, or under a common control with any carrier engaged in operations outside such State, if such carrier has obtained from the commission of such State authorized to issue such certificates, a certificate of public convenience and necessity authorizing motor vehicle common carrier operations in intrastate commerce and such certificate recites that it was issued after notice to interested persons through publication in the Federal Register of the filing of the application and of the desire of the applicant also to engage m transportation in interstate and foreign commerce within the limits of the intrastate authority granted, that reasonable opportunity was afforded interested persons to be heard, that the State commission has duly considered the question of the proposed interstate and foreign operations and has found that public convenience and necessity require that the carrier authorized to engage in intrastate operations also be authorized to engage in operations in interstate and foreign commerce within limits which do not exceed the scope of the intrastate operations authorized to be conducted. Such operations in interstate and foreign commerce shall, however, be subject to all other applicable requirements of this Act and the regulations prescribed hereunder. Such rights to engage in operations in interstate or foreign commerce shall be evidenced by appropriate certificates of registration issued by the Commission which shall be valid only so long as the holder is a carrier engaged in operations solely within a single State, not controlled by, controlling, or under a common control with a carrier engaged in operation outside such State, and except as provided in section 5 and in the conditions and limitations stated herein, may be transferred pursuant to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Commission, but may not be transferred apart from the transfer of the corresponding intrastate certificate, and the transfer of the intrastate certificate without the interstate or foreign rights shall terminate the right to engage in interstate or foreign commerce. The termination, restriction in scope, or suspension of the intrastate certificate shall on the 180th day thereafter terminate or similarly restrict, the right to engage in interstate or foreign commerce unless the intrastate certificate shall have been renewed, reissued, or reinstated or the restrictions removed within said one hundred eighty-day period. S ^ ^ ^ rights shall be subject to suspension or termination by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of this Act governing the suspension and termination of certificates issued by the Commission. The Commission may impose reasonable requirements with respect to the filing

October 15, 1962 [S. 320]

Interstate Commerce Act, amend* ment. 49 Stat. 551. 49 USC 306. 74 Stat. 382.

Intrastate motor carriers, interstate operations.

Publication in F. R.

Certification of registration.

54 Stat. 905. 49 USC 5.

Termination date.