Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76A.djvu/127

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-31or importation of any articles or merchandise into the Canal Zone in violation of the regulations issued pursuant to section 761 of this title; or (3) violates a regulation issued pursuant to section 761 of this title—shall be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned in jail not more than 30 days, or both. § 782. Seizure and confiscation of articles illegally imported or obtained Articles brought into or obtained in the Canal Zone in violation of regulations issued pursuant to section 761 of this title may be seized and held, and, unless entered in conformity with the regulations within a period of 30 days from the date of seizure, may be confiscated and disposed of as provided in the regulations. § 783. Penalty for omitting merchandise from manifest; forfeiture; exception If a vessel arriving at the Canal Zone from a port, other than a port in the Canal Zone or the Republic of Panama, is found to have on board merchandise not manifested, the master of the vessel shall be liable to a penalty equal in amount to the value of the merchandise not manifested, and the merchandise belonging to or consigned to or for the officers or crew of the vessel shall be forfeited. The penalty may not be imposed if it is made to appear to the customs officers, or to the court in which the trial is held, that no part of the cargo has been unloaded except as accounted for in the master's report, and that the errors and omissions in the manifest were made without fraud or collusion. I n that case the master may be allowed to correct his manifest by means of a post entry. A permit may not be granted to unload merchandise so omitted from the manifest before post entry or addition to report or manifest has been made. § 784. Penalty for omission of sea stores from list or landing of sea stores; forfeiture If sea stores are found on board a vessel from a port, other than a port in the Canal Zone or the Republic of Panama, which are not specified in the list furnished the boarding officer, or if a greater quantity of sea stores is found than that specified in the list, or if sea stores are landed without a permit being first obtained from the customs officer for that purpose, the master of the vessel shall be liable to a penalty treble the value of the sea stores so omitted or landed, and the sea stores so omitted or landed shall be seized and forfeited. CHAPTER 57—DOMESTIC ANIMALS See.

811. Regulations relating to the keeping and impounding of domestic animals. 812. Penalties for violation. § 811. Regulations relating to the keeping and impounding of domestic animals The Governor shall prescribe, and from time to time may amend, regulations: (1) governing the keeping of domestic animals within the Canal Zone; (2) prescribing where and under what conditions domestic animals may be permitted to be at large, and when, where and under what conditions domestic animals shall be confined; and (3) providing for the: (A) impounding of animals; (B) charges to be paid for the impounding and care of animals if claimed by the owner; (C) disposition of unclaimed animals; and (D) disposition of the proceeds of the sale of unclaimed animals, if sold.