Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76A.djvu/142

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1331. Regulations governing navigation, transiting, pilotage, and licensing of officers; penalties for violation. SUBCHAPTER II—INSPECTION OF VESSELS

1351. Vessels subject to inspection generally. 1352. Inspection of foreign vessels. 1353. Regulations governing inspection. 1354. Issuance and display of certificate of inspection. 1355. Refusal of certificate of inspection. 1356. Fines for failing to have or display certificate, or for receiving excess passengers; recovery, 1357. Revocation of certificate for changes in conditions of vessel. 1358. Registration, etc., of small vessels propelled by machinery; licensing of operators; fine for violation. 1359. Registration and numbering of small vessels not propelled by machinery; fine for violation. SUBCHAPTER HI—SEAMEN

1381. Laws applicable to seamen of vessels of United States. 1382. Powers of shipping commissioner and deputies. Subchapter I—General Provisions § 1331. Regulations governing navigation, transiting, pilotage, and licensing of officers; penalties for violation The President may prescribe, and from time to time amend, regulations governing: (1) the navigation of the harbors and other waters of the Canal Zone; (2) the passage and control of vessels through the Panama Canal or any part thereof, including the locks and approaches thereto; (3) pilotage in the Canal or the approaches thereto through the adjacent waters; and ^ (4) the licensing of officers or other operators of vessels navigating the waters of the Canal Zone. Whoever violates a regulation issued pursuant to this section shall be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned in jail not more than 30 days, or both. Subchapter II—Inspection of Vessels § 1351. Vessels subject to inspection generally With the exception of private vessels merely transiting the Panama Canal, and of public vessels of all nations, vessels navigating the waters of the Canal Zone are subject to an annual inspection of hulls, boilers, machinery, equipment, and passenger accommodations. § 1352. Inspection of foreign vessels A foreign vessel of a country which has inspection laws approximating those of the United States, having an unexpired certificate of inspection duly issued by the authorities of that country, is not subject to an inspection other than that necessary to determine whether the vessel, boilers and lifesaving equipment are as stated in the certificate of inspection. A certificate of inspection may not be accepted as evidence of lawful inspection unless like privileges are granted to vessels of the United States under the laws of the country to which the vessel belongs.