Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76A.djvu/166

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-70CHAFTER 15—PROBATION OFFICER 511. Appointment of probation oflBcer and deputies. 512. Duties of probation officer. 513. Arrest of probationer or parolee.

§ 511. Appointment of probation officer and deputies (a) The Governor shall appoint a qualified person to serve as probation officer of the district court and the magistrates' courts, and may appoint as many deputy probation officers as he deems necessary. The probation officer and deputies shall also serve as parole officer and deputy parole officersj respectively, and, when so serving, shall be referred to by those designations. The probation officer and deputies shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor, and the deputies shall be under the immediate direction and control of the probation officer. (b) If the Governor deems it necessary, he may appoint a qualified person, who may be an officer or employee of the Canal Zone Government assigned for the purpose, to act as probation officer or deputy probation officer, whenever the probation officer or deputy probation officer is unable to perform his duties because of temporary disability or absence. (c) Section 101 of Title 2 applies to the fixing of compensation and establishment of conditions of employment of the probation officer and deputies, and acting probation officer. § 512. Duties of probation officer The probation officer shall: (1) furnish to each probationer under his supervision a written statement of the conditions of probation, and instruct him regarding them;. (2) keep informed concerning the conduct and condition of each probationer under his supervision and report thereon to the proper court; (3) use all suitable methodsj not inconsistent with the conditions imposed by the court, to aid probationers and to bring about improvements in their conduct and condition; (4) keep records of his work; (5) keep accurate and complete accounts of all moneys collected from persons under his supervision, and give receipts for the moneys so collected and make at least monthly returns thereof to the proper court; (6) make such reports to the courts as they may at any time require; (7) make pre-sentence investigations when directed by the courts concerned: (8) perform such duties with respect to parole as the Governor directs; (9) perform such duties with respect to unofficial probation as the United States attorney directs; and (10) perform such other duties as the Governor or the Judge of the district court directs. § 513. Arrest of probationer or parolee Within the probation or parole period, the probation officer may for cause arrest the probationer or parolee wherever found, without a warrant.