Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76A.djvu/331

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-235within 20 days after the amount has become due, the lien holder may proceed to sell the property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the lien and costs of sale, at public auction, and by giving at least 10 days' previous notice of the sale by advertising in a newspaper of general circulation in the Canal Zone. The proceeds of the sale must be applied to the discharge of the lien and the cost of keeping and selling the property. The remainder, if any, must be paid over to the person who owned the property at the time of sale. § 4264. Factor's lien A factor has a general lien, dependent on possession, for all that is due to him as such, upon all articles of commercial value that are intrusted to him by the same principal. § 4265. Banker's lien A banker has a general lien, dependent on possession, upon all property in his hands belonging to a customer, for the balance due to him from the customer in the course of the business. § 4266. Officer's lien An officer who levies an attachment or execution upon personal property acquires a special lien, dependent on possession, upon the property, which authorizes him to nold it until the process is dischargea or satisfied, or a judicial sale of the property is had. CHAPTER 105—NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS SUBCHAPTER I—NEOOTIABLE INSTBVMENTS IN OENEBAL

Sec. 4301. 4302. 4303. 4304. 4305. 4306. 4307. 4308. 4309. 4310. 4311. 4312. 4313. 4314. 4315. 4316. 4317. 4318. 4319. 4320. 4321. 4322. 4S23.

Article A—Form and Interpretation

Form of negotiable instrument Certainty of sum payable; definition. Unconditional order or promise to pay. Determinable future time defined. Nonnegotlable instrument; provisions not affecting negotiability. Omissions; seal; particular money; statement of nature of consideration. Payable on demand. Payable to order. Payable to bearer. Sufliclency of terms of instrument. Date; presumption. Antedating or postdating. Insertion of date; when authorized; wrong date. Filling up blanks. Incomplete iustrimient not delivered. Delivery; necessity; when effectual; presumptions. Construction in case of ambiguity or omissions. Liability of signatories; signature in trade or assumed name. Signature by agent; authority; proof. Liability of person signing as agent, etc. Signature by procuration. Indorsement or assignment by corporation or infant. Forged signature. Article B—Consideration 4331. Presumption of consideration. 4332. Value defined. 4333. Holder for value. 4334. Lien holder as holder for value. 4835. Want of consideration; effect. 4336. Liability of accommodation party. Article C—Negotiation 4341. Negotiation defined. 4:342. Indorsement; method. 4343. Indorsement must be of entire instrument 4344. Kinds of indorsement. 4345. Special indorsement; indorsement in blank.