Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76A.djvu/686

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-590be for the best interests of the estate, the court may order the special administrator to pay interest or other portions or the whole of the secured debt, and may direct the special administrator to take proceedings to secure funds for the purpose. The order for payment of interest may also direct that interest not yet accrued be paid as it becomes due, and the order shall remain in effect and cover such future interest until and unless thereafter for good cause it is set aside or modified by the court upon petition and notice similar to that hereinabove provided. § 1207. Eflfect of g r a n t of letters testamentary or of administration When letters testamentary or of administration on the estate of a decedent are granted, the powers of a special administrator appointed pursuant to this subchapter cease. The special administrator shall forthwith deliver to the executor or administrator all the property and effects of the decedent in his hands; and the executor or administrator may prosecute to final judgment any suit commenced by the special administrator. § 1208. Verified account; commissions and allowances; attorneys' fees The special administrator shall render a verified account of his proceedings in like manner as other administrators. His commissions and the fees of his attorney shall be fixed by the court; but the total commissions paid and extra allowances made to the special administrator and executor, or to the special administrator and general administrator of an estate, may not, together, exceed the sums provided for in this title as commissions and extra allowances for the services of executors or administrators; and the total fees paid to the attorneys both of the special administrator and executor, or of the special administrator and general administrator, may not, together, exceed the sums provided by this title as compensation for the ordinary and extraordinary services of attorneys for executors or administrators. § 1209. Division of commissions and allowances, and of attorneys* fees When the same person does not act/as both special administrator and executor, or as both special admiiiistrator and general administrator, the commissions and allowances referred to in section 1208 of this title shall be divided between the special administrator and the executor, or between the special administrator and the general administrator, in such proportion as the court deems just and reasonable; and when the same attorney does not act for both the special administrator and the executor, or for the special administrator and the general administrator, the fees referred to in section 1208 of this title shall be divided between the attorneys in such proportion as the court deems just and reasonable. § 1210. Attorne3^s fees for e x t r a o r d i n a r y services At any time after six months from the issuance of special letters of administration, or upon the earlier settlement of the final account of the special administrator, and upon such notice to the special administrator and to the persons interested in the estate as the court requires, an attorney who has rendered extraordinary services to the special administrator may apply to the court for compensation for the extraordinary services; and on the hearing the court shall make an order requiring the special administrator to pay the attorney out of the estate such compensation as the court deems proper, and the payment shall be made forthwith.