Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76A.djvu/698

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-602rately, with the value thereof in dollars and cents in figures, opposite the respective items. § 1467. Compensation of appraisers; verified account An appraiser shall receive from each estate he appraises, as compensation for his services, such sum as the court fixes. He shall tile, with the inventory, a verified account of his services and disbursements. § 1468. Failure to return inventory If an executor or administrator neglects or refuses to return the inventory within the time prescribed by section 1461 of this title, or by the court under authority of that section, the court may, upon notice, revoke his letters, and he is liable on his bond for any injury to the estate or a person interested therein, arising from his neglect or refusal. § 1469. After-discovered property When property not mentioned in an inventory that is made and returned, comes to the possession or knowledge of an executor or administrator, he shall cause it to be appraised in the manner prescribed in this chapter, and an inventory thereof to be returned within two months after the discovery. The making of the inventory may be enforced, after notice, by attachment or removal from office. Subchapter II—Embezzlement and Surrender of Property § 1491. Double liability for embezzling property If a person embezzles, conceals, smuggles, or fraudulently disposes of any property of a decedent, he is chargeable therewith, and liable to an action by the executor or administrator of the estate for double the value of the property so embezzled, concealed, smuggled, or fraudulently disposed of, to be recovered for the benefit of the estate. § 1492. Citation and examination of suspected embezzler, etc., expenses Upon complaint made under oath by an executor, administrator, or other person interested in the estate of a decedent, that a person is suspected of having concealed, embezzled, smuggled, or fraudulently disposed of any property of the decedent, or has in his possession or knowledge any deed, conveyance, bond, contract, or other writing, which contains evidence of or tends to disclose the right, title, interest, or claim of the decedent to real or personal estate, or a claim or demand, or a lost will, the court may cite the suspected person to appear before the court, and may examine him on oath upon the matter of the complaint. If he appears and is found innocent, his necessary expenses shall be allowea him out of the estate. § 1493. Enforcement of examination of suspected embezzler, etc.; compelling disclosure; interrogatories; witnesses If a person cited pursuant to section 1492 of this title refuses to appear and submit to an examination, or to answer such interrogatories as may be put to him, concerning the matters of the complaint, he may, by warrant from the court, be committed to jail and confined therein until he submits to the order of the court or is discharged according to law. If, upon the examination, it appears that he has concealed, embezzled, smuggled, or fraudulently disposed of any property of the decedent, or that he has in his possession or knowledge any of the papers or documents referred to in section 1492 of this title, the court may make an order requiring him to disclose his knowledge thereof