Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77.djvu/116

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PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1963


PUBLIC LAW 88-72-JULY 22, 1963

[77 STAT.

Public Law 88-72 July 22, 1963 - [S. 1745]

Atomic Energy Commission. Appropriation authorization. 71 Stat. 274. 42 USC 2017.

AN ACT T() authorize appropriations for the Atomic Kiiergy Comiuission iu aoc-ordance with section 261 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and for other purposes.

Be it e'rmcted by the Senate and House of Rep^reHentatrvea of the United States of ATnerlca in Congress assembled, SEC. 101. PLANT OR FACILITY ACQUISITION OR CoNSTRucrnoN.—There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Atomic Energy Commission in accordance with the provisions of section 261 a. (1) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the sum of $172,562,000 for acquisition or condemnation of any real property or any facility or for plant or facility acquisition, construction, or expansion, as follows: (a)


Project 64-a-l, modifications to production and supporting installations, $5,000,000. Project 64—a-2, waste fractionization facilities. Richland, "Washington, $3,700,000. Project 64-a-3, additional waste storage facilities, iS'ational Reactor Testing Station, Idaho, $3,400,000. Project 64-a-4, additional waste storage facilities. Savannah River, South Carolina, $7,700,000. (b)


Project 64-b-l, additional boiler for heating plant, Richland, Washington, $700,000. (c) ATOMIC WEAPONS.—

Project 64-c-l, weapons production, development, and test installations, $10,000,000. Project 64-C-2, explosive component plant, Mound Laboratory, Miamisburg, Ohio, $1,590,000. Project 64-C-3, radiography facility, Sandia Base, New" Mexico, $275,000. Project 64—c-4, nuclear safety facility. Rocky Flats, Colorado. $1,500,000. Project 64-C-5, fabrication building addition. Rocky Flats, Colorado, $2,140,000. (d) i^TOMic WEAPONS.—

Project 64:-d-l, theoretical and computations building, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, California, $3,500,000. Project 64-d-2, additions to administration and computer buildings, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico, $2,400,000. Project 64—d-3, technical area utility improvements, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico, $865,000. Project 64—d-4, steamplant addition, Sandia Base, New Mexico, $655,000. Project 64-d-5. test range improvements, Tonopah, Nevada. $760,000. Project 64-d-6, base construction, Nevada Test Site, $4,000,000. Project 64-d-7, manufacturing standards laboratory. Rocky Flats, Colorado, $720,000. Project 64—d-8, instrument maintenance and standards addition, Y-12 plant. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, $590,000. Project 64—d-9, addition to development laboratory, Y-12 plant. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, $1,700,000. (e) REACTOR DEVELOPMENT.—

Project 64—e-1, modifications to reactor facilities, $3,000,000. Project 64-e-2, fast reactor test facility. National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho, $17,000,000.