Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77.djvu/279

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[77 STAT. 247]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1963
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PUBLIC LAW 88-138-OCT. 16, 1963


of a person standing in loco parentis to such minor, and if such whereabouts are ascertained shall as soon as practical notify such parent or loco parentis that such minor is affected with a venereal disease, or is a carrier of a venereal disease, and whether he has received or refused such treatment." SEC. 2. So much of section 3 of the Act entitled "To amend the Act entitled 'An Act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to make regulations to prevent and control the spread of communicable and preventable diseases', approved August 11, 1939", approved August 8, 1946 (60 Stat. 919), as reads "renumbered as section 13" is amended to read "renumbered as section 15". SEC. 3. Nothing in this Act shall be construed so as to affect the authority vested in the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia by Reorganization Plan Numbered 5 of 1952 (66 Stat. 824). D. C. code i, The performance of any function vested by this Act in the Board of ^PPCommissioners, or in any office or agency under the jurisdiction and control of said Board of Commissioners may be delegated by said Board of Commissioners in accordance with section 3 of such plan. Approved October 11, 1963. Public Law 88-138 AN ACT

To establish a Federal commission on the disposition of Aleatraz Island.

October 16, 1963 FH R 17091

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Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America In Congress assembled, That (a) there is commission on hereby established a commission to be known as the Commission on ^icitrazTsUnd °^ the Disposition of Aleatraz Island (in this Act referred to as "the Establishment. Commission") which shall consist of five members, three of whom shall be appointed by the President of the United States, one by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and one by the President of the Senate. The three members appointed by the President of the United States shall include a member nominated by the Governor of the State of California and a member nominated by the mayor of San Francisco. (b) A vacancy in the Commission shall not affect its powers, but shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made. SEC. 2. (a) The Commission shall elect a chairman and a vice chairman from among its members. (b) Three members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum. SEC. 3. (a) The Commission shall make an investigation and study of possible uses for Aleatraz Island when it is no longer used as a Federal prison. (b) The Commission shall recommend the use or uses which it regards as most appropriate, shall make an estimate of the cost thereof, and shall recommend how such cost should be borne. SEC. 4. The Commission shall transmit the results of its investigation and study, and its recommendations, in a report to the Congress Report to consubmitted not later than December 31, 1963. In the event that such ^'•^^^• report is made when the Congress is not in session, it shall be transmitted to the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Six months Termination. after the submission of such report, the Commission shall cease to exist. SEC. 5. Members of the Commission appointed under the authority of this Act shall serve without compensation. Approved October 16, 1963.