Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77.djvu/421

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[77 STAT. 389]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1963
[77 STAT. 389]

77 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 88-205-DEC. 16, 1963


(c) Amend section 626(b), which relates to experts, consultants, 75 Stat. 451. and retired officers, as follows: ^^ ^^^ ^•^^^* (1) Strike out the entire first sentence. (2) I n the second- sentence strike out "Nor shall such service" and substitute "Service of an individual as an expert or consultant under subsection (a) of this section shall not". (d) Amend section 631, which relates to missions and staffs abroad, 22 USC 2391. by adding the following new subsection (c): " (c) The President may appoint any United States citizen who is not an employee of the United States Government or may assign any United States citizen who is a United States Government employee to serv^e as Chairman of the Development Assistance Committee or any successor committee thereto of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development upon election thereto by members of said Committee, and, in his discretion, may terminate such appointment or assignment, notwithstanding any other provision of law. Such person may receive such compensation and allowances as are authorized by the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, not to exceed those authorized 60 Stat. 999. for a chief of mission, class 2, within the meaning of said Act, as the ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ President may determine. Such person may also, in the President's discretion, receive any other benefits and perquisites available under this Act to chiefs of special missions or staffs outside the United States established under this section." (e) Amend section 635, which relates to general authorities, by add- 22 USC 2395. ing the following new subsection (k): " (k) Any cost-type contract or agreement (including grants) entered into with a university, college, or other educational institution for the puipose of cariying out programs authorized by part I may provide for the payment of the reimbursable indirect costs of said university, college, or other educational institution on the basis of predetermined fixed-percentage rates applied to the total, or an element thereof, of the reimbursable direct costs incurred." (f) Amend section 636, which relates to provisions on uses of funds, 22 USC 2396. by adding the following new subsection (h): " (h) I n carrying out programs under this Act, the President shall take all appropriate steps to assure that, to the maximum extent possible, (1) countries receiving assistance under this Act contribute local currencies to meet the cost of contractual and other services rendered in conjunction with such programs, and (2) foreign currencies owned by the United States are utilized to meet the costs of such contractual and other services." (g) Amend section 637(a), which relates l o administrative 76 Stat. 2(52. expenses, by striking out "1963" and "$53,000,000" and substituting 22 USC 2397. "1964" and "$54,000,000", respectively. (h) After section 637 add the following new section: " SEC. 638. PEACE CORPS ASSISTANCE.—No provision of this Act shall be construed to prohibit assistance to any country pursuant to the Peace Corps Act, as amended; the Mutual Educational and Cul- 75 Stat. 6:12. tural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended; or the Export-Import Bank ^J^^ ^^^ 2^°^ Act of 1945, as amended: or famine or disaster relief, including such " 75'Stat. 527. relief through voluntary agencies, under title II of the Agricultural 22 USC 2451 Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended." '^°i%\. ^



59 Stat. 5^:6. 12 USC 635


68 s t a t. 45 7.

Six^. 303. Section 644(f) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as ^/^"^^ ^^^^" amended, which relates to definition of defense services, is amended 75 Stat. 461. by inserting "including orientation" after "training" the first time it 22 USC 2403. appears.