Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77.djvu/898

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[77 STAT. 866]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1963
[77 STAT. 866]

866 Restriction.

Short title.

PUBLIC LAW 88-258-JAN. 6, 1964

[77 STAT.

SKC. ()()4. X<> \)i\v\ < f suiv appv(mriati()]i conta'med in this Act shall > he used to condiK't or assist in foiuluctinjr any projrram (indudinj^ hut not limited to the payment of sahiries, admhiistratiA'e expenses, and the conduct of researcli ac'tivities) rehited directly or indirectly to the establishment of a national service corps or similar domestic pence corps type of pr<)<rram. This Act ma\' he cited as the •'Foieijrii.Vid and Related A^eficies Appropriation Act. I'.KU'". Approved January 6, 1964.