Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77A.djvu/235

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TARIFF SCHEDULES OF THE UNITED STATES SCHEDULE 4. - CHEMICALS A N D R E L A T E D PRODUCTS Part 13. - Fatty Substances, Camphor, C h a r s and Carbons, Isotopes, Waxes, and Other Products

221 Rates of Duty

Subparts. - Camphor, Chars and Carbons, Isotopes, Waxes, and Other Products Subpart B headnotes: I.

For the purposes of t h i s part — (a) the term " c r u d e ". I n Items 4 9 3. 0 2, 4 9 3. 2 0, and 4 9 3. 5 5, has the same meaning a s i s given for that term I n headnote 3(c> o f part 3 of t h i s s c h e d u l e; and (b) the term "advanced" In items 4 9 3. 0 4, 4 9 3, 2 1, and 4 9 3. 5 6, has the same meaning a s I s given for that term In headnote 3 l d) In part 3 of t h i s s c h e d u l e.

't93.0't 493.10

Barbasco o r cube r o o t, and d e r r i s, Crude Advanced

tube o r tuba

root: Free 1% ad val.

B l a c k i n g s, powders, l i q u i d s, and creams for p o l i s h i n g and c l e a n i n g, a l l the foregoing i n immediate c o n t a i n e r s h o l d i n g not over 10 pounds each

493-15 493.16

Casein and m i x t u r e s i n c h i e f value Casein Other

493.20 493.21 493.22

Camphor: Natural: Crude Advanced Synthetic

493.25 493.26

Free 1 0 % ad val.

255^ ad val.


Chars and c a r b o n s: Bone char Decolorizing and gas or vapor absorbing chars and carbons, whether or not activated

Free 2.750 per lb.

Free 5.50 per lb.

0.50 per lb. 30 per lb. 50 per lb.

10 per lb. 50 per lb. 50 per lb.

20S6 ad val.

2 0 % ad val.

1 5 % ad val.

4 5 % ad val.


Dextrine and soluble or chemically treated starches...

1.1250 per lb.

30 per lb.






Mineral salts obtained by evaporation from the waters of a designated mineral spring




493-45 493-46 493.47 493.50

493.55 493.56

Preparations containing over 50 percent by weight of monosodium glutamate

2 5 % ad val.

Pitch: Burgundy Marine glue Wood

Free 1 6 ^ ad val. 0.50 per lb.

Free 2 0 % ad val. 10 per lb.

Products chiefly used as assistants in preparing or finishing textiles, not specially provided for

12.55^ ad val.

2 5 % ad val.

Pyrethrum or insect flowers: Crude Advanced

Free 2.5% ad val.

Free 1 0 % ad val.