Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77A.djvu/306

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Rates of Duty




1 6'+0.35

Reservoirs, tanks, vats, and other containers, all the foregoing, of metal, having a capacity over 75 gallons and ordinarily installed as fixtures in industrial plants or elsewhere for storage or manufacturing use..

4 5 % ad val.

1 2 ^ ad val.

4 5 % ad val.



lk% ad val. 2 0 % ad val. 1 5 % ad val.

3 5 % ad val. 4 5 % ad val. 3 5 % ad val.

1.10 per lb.

4.5? per lb.

13.5% ad val. 8.5^ ad val.


13.55^ ad val.

4 5 % ad val. 3 5 % ad val.

1 5 % ad val. 19% ad val.

3 5 % ad val. 4 5 % ad val.

5 0 % ad val. 3 5 % ad val.

7 5 % ad val. 5 0 % ad val.

Subpart B. - Wire Cordage; Wire Screen, Netting and Fencing; Bale Ties Subpart B headnote: 1.

This subpart does not cover — (i) articles of precious metal or rolled precious metal, or articles coated or plated with precious ne t a 1; (ii) i n s u l a t e d e l e c t r i c c o n d u c to r s o r uninsulated electric conductors s p e c i a l l y provided for in part 5 of t h i s s c h e d u l e; (iii) textile articles of m e t a l l i c yarns; (iv) reinforced or laminated plastics Isee part I2A of schedule 7); (v) asbestos, ceramics, or glass products containing a wire netting (see schedule 51; or (vil building papers or felts reinforced with wire (see part 48 of schedule 2).

6't2.02 Strands, ropes, cables, and cordage, all the foregoing, of wire, whether or not out to length, and whether or not fitted with hooks, swivels, clamps, clips. thimbles, sockets, or other fittings or made u p into slings, cargo nets, or similar articles: Not fitted with fittings and not made up into articles: Not covered with textile or other nonmetallic material: Wire strand: 6^+2.06 6't2.08 642.10

642.12 642. l t ^ 642.16 642.18 642.20

642.25 642.27

Ropes, cables, and cordage other than wire strand: Valued under 13 cents per pound Valued 13 cents or more per pound:

Covered with textile or other nonmetallic Fitted with fittings, or made up into articles Cylinder wires, suitable for use in paper-making machines (whether or not parts of, or fitted or attached to, such machines), and woven-wire cloth suitable for use in the manufacture of Fourdrinier wires or cylinder wires suitable for use in papermaking machines: Having more than 55 meshes per lineal inch in