Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77A.djvu/428

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Rates of Duty

Slit. 00

Articles (including not over 50 cigars, or 300 cigarettes, or 3 pounds of smoking tobacco, or a proportionate amount of each, and not over 1 quart of alcoholic beverages), reasonable and appropriate, and intended exclusively, for the bona fide personal use of, and (except for articles consumed in use) to be taken out of the United States by, any person arriving in the United States who is leaving a vessel, vehicle, or aircraft, engaged in international traffic, on which he is employed, with the intention of resuming such employment


Personal and household effects, not stock in trade, the title to which at the time of importation is in the estate of a citizen of the United States who died abroad

Subpart B. - United States P e r s o n n e l and E v a c u e e s (See itea 915.20 of part 1 of the Appendix to Tariff Schedules for temporary legislation relating to this subject*.)

Subpart C. - P e r s o n n e l of Foreign Government s and International Organizations; Distinguished Visitors Subpart C headnotcs: I. The term "baggage and effects", as used In this subpart. Includes all articles which were In the possession abroad, and are being Imported In connection with the arrival, of a person and which are Intended for his bona fide personal or household use, but does not Include articles Imported as an accontnodation to others or for sale or other cocnmerclal use. 2. The privileges of Item 821.00 are limited to such personal effects and equipment as are necessary for the occasion and temporary visit, and are to be exported no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the public demonstration. 3. The term "articles entered for the personal or family use", as used In this subpart, does not Include articles Imported as an accommodation to others or for sale or other commercial use.

  • . The privileges provided for In this subpart

for representatives, officers, employees, and members of the armed forces, of foreign governments, their families, suites, and servants, shall be accorded only If their government grants reciprocal privileges to United States personnel of comparable status.