Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77A.djvu/478

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TARIFF SCHEDULES OF THE UNITED STATES 464 COTTING—Continued heads— for hair clippers for shavers, electric and nonelectric machines and apparatus, electric— machines, for fabrics segments, metal, for saws COTTINGS— hide, raw live CYANIDE(S) — calcium copper mercury mixtures in chief value of potassium sodium zinc other (classifiable according to cation constituent) CYLINDER WIRES, suitable for use in papermaking machines CYMBALS


References to Tariff Schedules 650.83-85 650.77 683.90-95 670.50 6^9.26 ^55.10 125.AO-60 A18.20 A18.69 -il9.53 -V23.82 ^20.12 -i21.02 A22.73 il7.18-;i23.00 642.25-30 725.30 A01.30

DAIRY PRODUCTS Sch 1 Pt A DARNING NEEDLES 651.05 DART GAMES 73A.15 DASHEENS (see VEGETABLES) DATES (see also FRDIT) U 7.-iO-/p8 DATING MACHINES 676.10-12 DECALCOMANIA PAPER, not printed25A.30-32 DECALCOMAHIAS 273.65-80 toy737.90 DECANTERS (see TABLEWARE) DECYL ALCOHOL— 427.8A of other than animal or vegetable originDEFINITIONS AND LIMITATIONS-- See Hdntes, Sch, Part s, Subparts DEFORMED CONCRETE REINFORCING BARS, steel Sch 6 Pt 2B Hdnte 3(d") 608.U0-U2 203.10-30 DENSIFIED WOOD, and articles thereof DENTAL— cements 495.15 furniture 727.02-04 instruments and apparatus 709.01-27 DENTIFRICES 461.40-45 DEPTH SOUNDING INSTRUMENTS 712.10-12 DERRIS ROOT 493.02-04 DETERGENTS, synthetic (see also SURFACEACTIVE AGENTS) ~ benzenoid 405.35 noti-benzenoid 466.30 DEVELOPING TANKS 722.88-90 DEXTRINE . 493.30 DEXTROSE 155.60 155.65 sirup DIALS 720.40-44 DIAMONDS— articles of, nspf 520.51 cut but not s e t 520.32-34 industrial, natural or synthetic 520.21-31 in natural state— 520.11 DIATOMITE 522.11 DIBENZOFURAN 401.32 DICE 734.15

References to Tariff Schedules DICHLORIDE(S)~ butylene, ethylene and propylene 429.20 tin 422.20 other (classifiable according to cation constituent 417.18-423.00 and under "other halogenated hydro429.48 carbons"^ 685.40-42 DICTATION RECORDING AND TRANSCRIBING MACHINES425.liO DICYANDIAMIDE DIELECTRIC HEATING EQUIPMENT 683.95 DIES— 649.48 for wire drawing 649.48 extrusion for metal •-125.12 DIETHANOLAMINE 407.35 DIETHYLAMINOACETOXYLIDIDE (Xylocaine) 437.38 DIETHYLBARBITURIC ACID and its compounds 428.54 DIETHYL SULFATE 708.78 DIFFRACTION APPARATUS 435.45 DIGITALIS (Lanata and Purpurea) 161.31 DILL (spice) • 401.34 DIMETHYLNAPHTHALENES 428.54 DIMETHYL SULFATE 425.22 DIMETHYLUREA DINNERWARE (see TABLEWARE) DIOXIDE(S)~ barium 417.72 selenium 420.50 titanium 473.70 other (classified according to cation constituent) 417.18-423.00 DIPENTAERYTHRITOL 428.32 DIPHENYLENE OXIDE 401.32 408.15 DIPHENYL OXIDE 493.75 DIP, sheep 710.60-61 DISC CALCULATORS 516.73 fuse, mica DISCHARGERS, ash, mechanical 661.25 DISHES (see TABLEWARE) DISH WASHING MACHINES 662.20 DISKS— abrasive 519.51 of cork 220.45 DISPENSERS, salt, pepper, mustard, ketchup, etc.— of rubber or plastics DISPERSANTS (see SURFACE-ACTIVE AGENTS) DISPERSING APPLIANCES, mechanical, for liquids or powders 662.35-50 DISTILLATION APPARATUS, glass 547.53-55 DISTILLED OR ESSENTIAL OILS 452.02-80 DISTILLING MACHINERY, plant, and laboratory equipment 661.70 DIVIDERS 710.80 DIVI-DIVI, dyeing and tanning preparations 470.20-25 DOCKS, floating 696.50 DOCUMENTS, public, issued by foreign governments or public international organizations840.00 DOG EQUIPMENT 790.10 DOILIES— of rubber or plastics 772.35 of textile materials Sch 3 Pt 5C Hdnte 1 D0LL( S) 737.20 carriages and strollers 732.40 clothing 737.20 DOLOMITE, dead-burned 531.01-04 DOMINOES 734.15