Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77A.djvu/512

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498 References to Tariff Schedules SCREEHING MACHINERY, for earth, stone, ores, or other minerals in solid form 678.20 SCRBtf(S)-of base metal— wood 6k6.k9-'y3 other —6^6.58-63j646.T5-76 bone TO9.56 -drivers 651-37 hooks, rings, eyes 6h6.'f2;6h6.j8 SCRIBERS 710.80 SCUFFS (footwear) — S c h 7 Pt lA Hdnte 1 SCULPTURES AMD STATUARY-Imported under bond 862.10-20 for Institutions 85O.7O; 85I.2O 'of plaster of Paris 512.IH professional productions of sculptors-originals T65.15 other— of ceramic ware 53'^•ll of stone 513.51 r e l i g i o u s f i g u r i n e s and s t a t u e t t e s, or rubber or p l a s t i c s 772.97 SCYTHES — 6W.69 SEAdlASS, articles of Sch 2 P t 2B Hdnte 2 (d); 222.36-64 SEAIED-HEAM LAMPS 686.60 SEAL OIL, crude or r e f i n e d (see a l s o OILS, FATS and OffiASES) — 177.30 SEALIHG, machinery for b o t t l e s or other containers 662.10-20 SEAT STICKS — 751.10-11 SEAWEEDS prepared for human food l82.i^8 SECTIONS (including angles and shapes)— aluminum Sch 6 Pt 2D Hdnte 3(e);6l8.17 bridge, of base metal 652.94-98 copper Sch 6 Pt 2C Hdnte 3(e)i 612.8O-82 iron or steel Sch 6 Pt 2B Hdnte 3(j); 609.8O-9O lead-— Sch 6 Pt 20 Hdnte 3(c);624.30-34 nickel -Sch 6 Pt 2E Hdnte 3(e); 620.26 tin Sch 6 Pt 2F Hdnte 3(c);622.25 zinc Sch 6 Pt 2H Hdnte 3(e); 626.35 SECURITIES, not subject to provisions of tariff schedules Gen'l Hdnte 5(d) SEED-lac 188.10 o i l s, crude or r e f i n e d (see a l s o OILS, FATS, and OffiASES) —-Sch 1 Pt I 4 A Hdnte 1; 175.03-57 p o t a to e s eyes 125.67 SEEDLINGS of rose stock 125.60 SEEDS— forage I27.OI garden and f i e l d 126.01-127.10 guar— 192.22 oil-bearing— 175-03-57 spice 161.01-162.15 for U. S. Department of Agriculture of U.S. Botanic Garden 835.00 SEISMOaiAPH— electrical — —712.20 non-electrical 710.34-36 SELEKIUM (see a l s o METALS)-compounds— s a l t s of organic a c i d s 427.28 other 420.50-54 metal 632.40 SEMIPRECIOUS STONES (see PRECIOUS AND SEMIPRECIOUS STONES) SEPARATING MACHINERY, for e a r t h, s to n e, o r e s, or other minerals i n s o l i d form 678.20 SERUMS, the r a p e u t i c 437.76 SERVERS (see TABLEVfARE) SERVICE VEBICLES, r a i l r o a d and r a i l w a y 690.20

References to SESAME-T a r i f f Schedules ' o i l, crude or r e f i n e d (see a l s o OILS, FATS, and OlEASES) 176.49-50 seed — 175-45 SETS— sewing, p e d i c u r e, or manicure 651.11-13 to o l s, k n i v e s, for k s, spoons, e t c., provided for i n Sch 6 Pt 3E 651.75 SEWING-machineS-book-sewing 668.10 other 672.05-25 needles— hand— -65I.O5' machine 672.20 sets -651.11-13 threads— of c o t to n . 303-20 of man-made f i b e r s 310-90-91 of s i l k 308.90 of vegetable f i b e r s, except c o t to n 305-50 of wool 307-60-64 SHAD(see FISH) SHADES— of g l a s s 545.53 of unspun f i b r o u s vegetable substances 222.50 of wood 206.65-67 SHAFT COUPLINGS — 68O.5O SHALE OIL-— 475.05-10 SHAPES-basic, for metals and their alloys (see also name of specific shape, i.e., BARS, PLATES, SHEETS, STRIPS, RODS, WIRE, SECTIONS, etc.) Sch 6 Pt 2 Hdnte 3 flat-with a l i g h t - r e f l e c t i n g surface 79O.5O pressure-sensitive 790.50-55 gemstone ( i m i t a t i o n) s u i t a b l e for Jewelry Sch 7 Pt 6A Hdnte 1 for headwear Sch 7 Pt IB Hdnte 1 (a) p r o f i l e, of rubber or p l a s t i c s Sch 7 Pt 12B Hdnte l (c) SHAPING MACHINERY, for s o l i d m i n e r a l f u e l s, ceramic, p a s t e, unhardened cements, p l a s t e r ing m a t e r i a l s, or other mineral p r o d u c t s i n powder or p a s t e form 678.20 SHARK--liver oil 177-04 oil — 177.16 SHAVERS— electric-683.50 non-electric 65O.77 SHAVINGS, s t e e l - — 652.45 SHAWLS 372.10-80 SHEARS— g r a s s and hedge 648.73 pruning and sheep 648.75 other -650.87-91 SHEEP (see also ANIMALS) — dip — 493.75 live 100.01-04; 100.8I shears 648.75 SHEET BARS, iron or steel Sch 6 Pt 2B Hdnte 3(c); 608.15-18