Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/1078

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[78 STAT. 1036]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 1036]

1036 7 USC 1704. Advisory committee, establishment.

U s e s of foreign c u r r e n c i e s, re-

T r a n s m i t t a l of proposal to cong r e s s i o n a l committees.

"Friendly nation." 68 Stat. 457. 7 USC 1707.

PUBLIC LAW 88-638-OCT. 8, 1964

[78 STAT.

(8) Section 104 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "There is hereby established an advisory committee composed of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, the Administrator of the Agency for International Development, the chairman and the ranking minority member of the House Committee on Agriculture, and the chairman and the ranking minority member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Such Committee shall review from time to time the status and usage of foreign currencies which accrue under this title, and shall make recommendations to the President as to ways and means of assuring to the United States (1) the maximum benefit from the use of such currencies, making special reference to any such currencies which are excess to the normal requirements of United States agencies, and (2) the maximum return from sales made under this title. Such Committee shall make such other recommendations for improving this Act and its administration as such Committee may deem fit. "The committee shall be consulted wth respect to: (1) policies relating to (a) loans under subsections (e) and (g) hereof, (b) the degree of convertibility to be required under section 101(g), and (c) the amount of currency to be reserved in sales ivgreements for loans to private industry under subsection (e) hereof; and (2) each proposal to establish an interest rate for dollar sales under title IV higher than the minimum provided in section 403. "No agreement or proposal to grant any foreign currencies (except as provided in subsection (c) of this section), or to use (except pursuant to appropriation Act) any principal or interest from loan repayments under this section, shall be entered into or carried out until the expiration of thirty days following the date on wiich such agreement or proposal is transmitted by the President to the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry and to the House Committee on Agriculture, if transmitted while Congress is in session, or sixty days following the date of transmittal if transmitted while Congress is not in session, and then only if, between the date of transmittal and the expiration of such period there has not been passed by either of the two Committees a resolution stating in substance that that Committee does not favor such agreement or proposal." (9) The first proviso at the end of section 104 of such Act is amended by striking out the colon at the end thereof and inserting "pursuant to agreements entered into on or before December 31, 1964 and to not less than 20 per centum in the aggregate of the foreign currencies which accrue pursuant to agreements entered into thereafter:". (10) Section 104 of such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "Any loan made under the authority of this section shall bear interest at such rate as the President may determine but not less than the cost of funds to the United States Treasury, taking into consideration the current average market yields on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States having maturity comparable to the maturity of such loans, unless the President shall in specific instances upon the recommendation of the advisory committee herein established designate a different rate." (11) Section 107 of such Act is amended by inserting before the period at the end thereof a comma and the following: "or (3) for the purpose only of title I any nation or area dominated or controlled by a Communist government, or (4) for the purpose only of title I any nation which permits ships or aircraft under its registry to transport to or from Cuba (excluding United States installations in Cuba) any equipment, materials, or commodities, so long as Cuba is governed b ^ the Castro regime. Notwithstanding any other Act, the President is