Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/1107

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[78 STAT. 1065]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 1065]

78 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 88-647-OCT. 13, 1964

in the third and fourth years of a four-year Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps course, or the equivalent period of training in an approved two-year Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps course. "§2102. Establishment " (a) For the purpose of preparing selected students for commissioned service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps, the Secretary of each military department, under regulations prescribed by the President, may establish and maintain a Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program, organized into one or more units, at any accredited civilian educational institution authorized to grant baccalaureate degrees, and at any school essentially military that does not confer baccalaureate degrees, upon the request of the authorities at that institution. "(b) No unit may be established or maintained at an institution unless— "(1) the senior commissioned officer of the armed force concerned who is assigned to the program at that institution is given the academic rank of professor; "(2) the institution fulfills the terms of its agreement with the Secretary of the military department concerned; and "(3) the institution adopts, as a part of its curriculum, a fouryear course of military instruction or a two-year course of advanced training of military instruction, or both, which the Secretary of the military department concerned prescribes and conducts. "(c) At those institutions where a unit of the program is established membership of students in the program shall be elective or compulsory as provided by State law or the authorities of the institution concerned. "§ 2103. Eligibility for membership " (a) To be eligible for membership in the program a person must be a student at an institution where a unit of the Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps is established. However, a student at an institution that does not have a unit of the Corps is eligible, if otherwise (lualified, to be a member of a unit at another institution. " (b) Persons from foreign countries may be enrolled as members of the program when their enrollment is approved by the Secretary of the military department concerned under criteria approved by the Secretary of State. "(c) A medical, dental, pharmacy, veterinary, or sciences allied to medicine, student may be admitted to a unit of the program for a course of training consisting of 90 hours of instruction a year for four academic years. "(d) Under such conditions as the Secretary of the military department concerned may prescribe, a medical, dental, pharmacy, veterinary, or sciences allied to medicine, student who is a commissioned officer of a reserve component of an armed force may be admitted to and trained in a unit of the program. "§ 2104. Advanced training; eligibility for " (a) Advanced training shall be provided to eligible members of the program and, if the institution concerned so requests, to eligible applicants for membership in the program, who have two academic 3'ears remaining at such educational institution. "(b) To be eligible for continuation, or initial enrollment, in the program for advanced training, a person must— " (1) be a citizen of the United States; "(2) be selected for advanced training under procedures prescribed by the Secretary of the military department concerned;