PRIVATE LAW 88-172-FEB. 29, 1964
[78 STAT.
Private Law 8 8 4 7 2 February 29, 1964 [S. 1488]
Alessandro A. R. Cacace. 66 Stat. 169, 180. 8 USC 1101, 1155.
AN ACT For the relief of Alessandro A. R. Cacace. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Anierha in Congress assembled, That, for the purposes of sections 101(a) (27)(A) and 205 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Alessandro A. R. Cacace shall be held and considered to be the minor natural-born alien child of Mr. Hilton I>. Hall, a Unitetl States citizen. Approved February 29, 1964.
Private Law 88-173 February 29, 1964 [S. 15181
Mary G. Eastlake.
AN ACT For ll)«' relief of Mary 6. Eastlake. Be if enacted by the Senate and Ilovse of Representatives of the United States of America in CongpesH aftsemhJed, That the service of Mary G. Eastlake, Nurse Director (retired), Public Health Service, performed Avhile in the employ of the Bureau of Indian Affail's, Department of the Interior, before July 1, 1955, shall be deejned to be active service in the Public Health Service for the purpose of computing her I'etired pay from the Service as of the date of her retirement (December 1, 1962): Provided. That the inci*ease in retired pay authorized by this Act shall not exceed the amount which would be payable as a Civil Service retirement annuity based on such servi(;e. Approved February 29, 1964.
Private Law 88-174 March 10, 1964 [H. R. 5982]
P a s quale Fiorica. 75 Stat. 650. 8 USC 1101. 8 USC 1155.
AN ACT For the relief of Pasquale Fiorica. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Statex of America in Congress assembled, That, in the administration of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Pasquale Fiorica may be classified as an eligible orphan within the meaning of section 101(b) (1)(F) of the Act, upon approval of a petition filed in his behalf by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Palermo, a citizen and lawfully resident alien, respectively, of the United States, pursuant to section 205(b) of the Act, subject to all the conditions in that section relating to eligible orphans. Approved March 10, 1964. Private Law 88-175
March 11, 1964 [H. R. 609 2]
Alexander Haytko. 70 Stat. 750.
AN ACT For the relief of Alexander Haytko. Be it eTUJjcted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the limitation on the time within which applications for disability retirement are required to be filed under section 7(b) of the Civil Service Retirement Act (5 U.S.C. 2257(b)) is hereby waived in favor of Alexander