78 STAT. ]
PRIVATE LAW 88-358-OCT. 13, 1964
Private Law 88-355 AN ACT
For the relief of Doctor Jorge A. Picaza.
October 13, 1964
^^' ^ "^^^^
Be it enacted l>y the Senate and House of Representatives of the Dr. Jorge United States of America in Congress assenwled^ That Doctor Jorge Picaza. A. A. Picaza may be naturalized upon compliance with all of th« requirements of title III of the Immigration and Nationality Act, except that l^vsc\lo\\t no period of residence or physical presence within the United States seq. or any State shall be required in addition to his residence and physical presence within the United States snice June 19, 1944. Approved October 13, 1964. Private Law 88-356 AN ACT
October 13, 1964
For the relief of Kim Sook Hee and Kim Lou.
[s. 2759]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in, Congress assembled, That, in the Admin- andKimLoif'^^ istration of the Immigration and Nationality Act, sedion 205(c), ^"66 st'^t. iso; relating to the number of petitions which may be approved in behalf ^3 stat, 644; of eligmle orphans, shall t^ inapplicable in the case of a petition filed ^^^usc^^i^ss!^^' in behalf of Kim Sook Hee by Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Caucutt, citizens of the United States. Approved October 13, 1964. Private Law 88-357 AN ACT
For the relief of Basilio King, his wife, and their children.
October 13, 1964
[H. R. 1179]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the et United States of America in Congress assemhted^ That, for the purpose Casino King of section 101(a) (27)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, ^ *6 Stat. i69. 6 Basilio King, his wife Monica Elisa Co Chia King, and their children » use 1101. Basilio King, Junior, Johnny King, Elizabeth King, Sylvia King, and Cynthia King shall be deemed to be returning resident aliens. Approved October 13, 1964. Private Law 88-358 AN ACT
October 13, 1964
For the relief of Frank B. Rowlett.
[H. R. 7348]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary RXiett'^* of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay to Frank B. Rowlett, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $100,000, which sum shall be considered a payment in consideration of a transfer by Frank B, Rowlett of property consisting of all substantial rights to a patent within the meaning of section 1235 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, in full settlement for all ^^A Stat. 329. rights in respect to his cryptologic inventions which are now or at ^^ "^^ ^^^"