Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/1430

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[78 STAT. 1388]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 1388]



Interior, Department of the—Continued Reclamation projects—Continued U p p e r Colorado River storage, appropriation for Whitestone Coulee unit, Chief Joseph D a m project, Wash., construction Report s to Congress. See Report s to under Congress. R o n g e l a p Atoll, Marshall Islands, radiation victims, settlement of claims. _ Saline Water, Office of, appropriation for Secretary, Office of the, appropriation for Shrine Convention, 1965, D.C., issuance of permits for use of land, etc Solicitor, Office of the, appropriation for Southeastern Power Administration, appropriation for Southwestern Power Administration, appropriation for Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Bureau of, appropriation for 208, 282, State water resources research institutes, assistance to Territories, Office of, appropriation for_ T r u s t Territory of the Pacific Islands. See separate title. United Spanish War Veterans Memorial, D.C., selection of site, etc United States Fishing Fleet Improvement Act United States P a r k Police, sick leave benefits Water Resources Research, Office of, appropriation for Water Resources Research Act of 1964_ Wilderness Act Internal Revenue Codes. For sections affected see Tables 3 and 4 of amendments and repeals in "Laws Affected in Volume 7 8 ", preceding this Index. Internal Revenue Service: Appropriation for Reports to Congress, transfer of funds. Internal Security Act of 1950, Amendments, National Security Agency, personnel security procedures International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico: Appropriation for United States contribution 713, Chamizal, compliance with convention on the Falcon Dam, Tex., settlement of damage claims Flood control, conclusion of agreements on


Page International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico— Continued 687 Rio Grande canalization project, authorization for maintenance of flood and sediment control d a m s __ 955 International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada, a p p r o priation for expenses 598 283 284 337 284 689 690 1027 329 278

992 614 582 1027 329 890

370 370


1032 184 481 386

International Claims Settlement Act of 1949, Amendments, claims of United States nationals against Cuba International Commission for Supervision and Control in Laos, appropriation authorized for United States contribution International Commissions, appropriation for United States participation. _ International Development, Agency for: Advisory committee to review s t a t u s and use of foreign currency, membership Private United States engineering and professional firms, utilization of services International Development Association: Appropriation for United States subscriptions Increase in resources; United States contribution International Exhibitions: Canadian Universal and International Exhibition, Montreal, Canada, United States participation; appointment of Commissioner General Special, appropriation International Exposition for Southern California, Planet of Man Exposition, 1968, congressional recognition International Fisheries Commissions, appropriation for expenses International Health Research Act of 1960, appropriation for effecting provisions International Joint Commission, United States and Canada, appropriation for expenses International Labor Affairs, Bureau of, appropriation for International Litigations, rules of p r o cedure International Organizations: Contributions, quotas, etc.— Appropriation for 712, 1015, I n t e r - America n Development B a n k — Appropriation for Increase, authorization





581 713



1021 200

928 735

612 715


714 959 995

1032 1021 3