Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/193

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[78 STAT. 151]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 151]

78 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 88-276-MAR. 3, 1964

Academy, will be more than 3,737, no appointments may be made under subsection (b)(2) or (3) of this section or section 6956 of this title. "(e) Effective beginning with the nominations for appointment to the Academy in the calendar year 1964, the Secretary of the Navy shall furnish to any Member of Congress, upon the written request of such Member, the name of the Congressman or other nominating authority responsible for the nomination of any named or identified person for appointment to the Academy." SEC. 3. Section 6956 of title 10, United States Code, is amended— (1) By striking out "one or more alternates" in subsection (a) and inserting in place thereof "five alternates". (2) By striking out "two-thirds" in the second sentence of subsection (e) and inserting in place thereof "three-fourths". SEC. 4. Chapter 903 of title 10, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1) Section 9342 is amended to read as follows: "§ 9342. Cadets: appointment; numbers, territorial distribution " (a) The authorized strength of Air Force Cadets of the Academy is as follows: "(1) 40 cadets selected in order of merit as established by competitive examination from the sons of members of the armed forces who were killed in action or died of wounds or injuries received or diseases contracted in, or preexisting injury or disease aggravated by, active service— " (A) during World W a r I or World W a r II as defined by laws providing service-connected compensation or pension benefits for veterans of those wars and their dependents; or " (B) after June 26, 1950, and before February 1, 1955. The deteniiination ot the Veterans* Acbninisiration as l<> servi«v ••onneotion of the cause of death is Ijinding upon the Secretary of the Air Force. "(2) Five cadets nominated at large by the Vice President. "(3) Ten cadets from each State, five of whom are nominated by each Senator from that State. "(4) Five cadets from each coiigi'essional district, nominated by the Ilepresentative from the district. "(5) Five cadets from the District of Cohunbia, nominated by the Commissioners of that District. "(6) Five cadets from each Territory, noniinate<l by the Delegate in Congress from that Territory. "(7) Six cadets from Puerto Rico, five of whom are nominated by the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico and one who is a native of Puerto Rico nominateil by the (Governor of Puerto Rico. "(8) One cadet nominated by the Governor of the Panama Canal from the sons of civilians residing in the Canal Zone or the sons of civilian personnel of the Imited States Government, or the Panama Canal Company, residing in the Republic of Panama. "(9) One cadet from American Samoa, (inam, or the Virgin Islands nominated by the Secretary of the Aii* Force npon recommendations of their respective Governors. Kadi Senator. Representative, and Delegatt* in Congress, inchiding the Resident Connnissioner from l*nei1o Rico, is entitled to nominate a principal candidate and five alternates for each vacancy that is available to him under this section. 31-667 0-65—13


Information to Congress.

70A Stat. 430.

10 USC 93319355. 70A Stat. 563; 76 Stat. 547.

Sons of certain veterans.