Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/209

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[78 STAT. 167]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 167]

78 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 88-288-MAR. 20, 1964


Public Law 88-287 AN ACT To amend the District of Columbia Traffic Act, 1925, as amended, to increase the fee charged for l e a r n e r s ' permits.

March 18, 1964 [S. 1964]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the District United States of America in Congress assembled, That subsection Columbia. of (a)(2) of section 7 of the District of Columbia Traffic Act, 1925 (43 LearnTr's' Stat. 1119), as amended (62 Stat. 173; 68 Stat. 732; 76 Stat. 710; sec. """s, fee increase. 40-301 (a)(2), D:C. Code, 1961 edition), be amended by striking "$2'and inserting in lieu thereof "$5". Approved March 18, 1964.

Public Law 88-288 AN ACT To authorize appropriations during fiscal year 1965 for procurement of aircraft, missiles, and n a v a l vessels, and research, development, test, and evaluation, for the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives United States of America in Congress assembled,

March 20, 1964 [H. R. 9637]

of the A^r^pHaUon' authorization,,

TITLE I—PROCUKEMENT SEC. 101. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated during fiscal year 1965 for the use of the Armed Forces of the United States for procurement of aircraft, missiles, and naval vessels, as authorized by law, in amounts as follows: Aircraft For aircraft: For the Army, $443,600,000; for the Navy and the Marine Corps, $1,854,900,000; for the Air Force, $3,663,000,000. Missiles For missiles: For the Army, $282,600,000; for the Navy, $660,100,000; for the Marine Corps, $13,100,000; for the Air Force, $1,730,000,000. Naval Vessels For naval vessels: For the Navy, $1,966,000,000. TITLE II—RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION SEC. 201. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated during fiscal year 1965 for the use of the Armed Forces of the United States for research, development, test, and evaluation, as authorized by law, in amounts as follows: For the Army, $1,345,045,000; For the Navy (including the Marine Corps), $1,378,060,000; For the Air Force, $3,140,000,000, of which amount $52,000,000 is available only for development of advanced manned strategic aircraft; For Defense agencies, $500,215,000. Approved March 20, 1964. 31-667 0-65—14
