Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/376

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[78 STAT. 334]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 334]


Construction conditions. Architect of the Capitol, approval.


PUBLIC LAW 88-381-JULY 21, 1964

[78 STAT.

System, to locate a portion of such tunnel under square W-576, which is a part of the United States Botanic Garden grounds, and reservation 12, which is a part of the United States Capitol Grounds. SEC. 2. Subject to the approval of the Architect of the Capitol and to such conditions as he may prescribe, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized to make such use of square W-576 and reservations 12 and 6B as may be necessary for the construction of the tunnel, including borings and other preliminary work and storing of materials, and the reconstruction of that section of the Tiber Creek sewer located under square W-576 and reservation 6B. SEC. 3. Except as provided in section 6, nothing in this Act shall be construed to grant to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia any right, title, or interest in or to any real property of the United States, and reservation 12 shall in its entirety continue to be a part oi the United States Capitol Grounds, and square W-576 shall in its entirety continue to be a part of the United States Botanic Garden grounds. The Commissioners shall have jurisdiction and control of, and sole responsibility for the operation and maintenance of, those l)ortions of the tunnel beneath square W-576 and reservation 12. SEC. 4. All areas of square W-576 and reservations 12 and 6B disturbed by reason of operations under this Act shall, except as otherwise provided in this Act, be restored to their original condition to the satisfaction of the Architect of the Capitol. SEC. 5. Except as provided in section 6, the United States shall not incur any expense or liability whatsoever under or by reason of this Act, or be liable under any claim of any nature or kind that may arise from the construction, or the operation or maintenance, of that portion of the tunnel authorized by this Act. SEC. 6. The Architect of the Capitol is authorized to convey to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, for purposes of constructing the Innerloop Freeway System, all, or so much as he determines necessary, of the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to reservations 6B, 6C, 6D, 6E, 6F, and 286 in the District of Columbia. Any real property conveyed under this section shall thereafter be under the sole jurisdiction and control of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. SEC. 7. Notwithstanding the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution providing for the construction and maintenance of a National Gallery of Art", approved March 24, 1937 (50 Stat. 51; 20 U.S.C. 71), the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized to use the east sixty-five feet of the area bounded by Fourth Street, Pennsylvania Avenue, Third Street, and North Mall Drive Northwest, in the District of Columbia for the construction and maintenance of a vehicular tunnel, on condition that after such construction is completed (1) the surface thereof is maintained at its original grade, (2) no portion of the tunnel, including ventilating equipment and utilities, IS nearer the surface than eight feet, and (3) the surface ingress and egress to such property is not limited. Approved July 21, 1964.