Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/405

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[78 STAT. 363]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 363]

78 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 88-390-AUG. 1, 1964

that under the facts and circumstances that exist at the time of the selection of the construction agent, such selection will not result in any increased cost to the United States. The Secretaries of the military departments shall report semiannually to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives with respect to all contracts awarded on other than a competitive basis to the lowest responsible bidder. SEC. 606. (a) As of October 1, 1965, all authorizations for military public works (other than family housing) to be accomplished by the

^ecretary of a military department in connection with the establishment or development of military installations and facilities, and all

authorizations tor appropriations therefor, that are contained in Acts approved before November 8, 1963, and not superseded or otherwise modified by a later authorization, are repealed, except— (1) authorizations for public works and for appropriations therefor that are set forth in those Acts in the titles that contain the general provisions; (2) the authorization for public works projects as to which appropriated funds have been obligated for construction contracts or land acquisitions in whole or in part before October 1, 1965, and authorizations for appropriations therefor; (3) notwithstanding the provisions of section 606 of the Act of November 7, 1963 (77 Stat. 307, 328), the authorization for the following items, which shall remain in effect until October 1, 1966: (a) operational facilities and utilities in the amount of $3,105,000 at classified locations that is contained in title I, section 101, under the heading "OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES" and subheading "ARMY COMPONENT COMMANDS (European Command A r e a) " of the Act of June 27, 1961 (75 Stat. 98); (b) utilities in the amount of $115,000 for Naval Magazine, Cartagena, Spain, that is contained in title II, section 201, under the heading "OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES" and subheading "NAVAL WEAPONS FACILITIES" of the Act of June 27, 1961 (75 Stat. 102); (c) troop housing in the amount of $611,000 at Fort Benning, Georgia, that is contained in title I, section 101, under the heading "INSIDE THE UNITED STATES", and subheading "CONTINENTAL ARMY COMMAND (Third Army) " of the Act of July 27, 1962 (76 Stat. 223); (d) administrative facilities in the amount of $833,000 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, that is contained in title I, section 101, under the heading "INSIDE THE UNITED STATES", and subheading "CONTINENTAL ARMY COMMAND (Third Army) " of the Act of July 27, 1962 (76 Stat. 223); (e) maintenance facilities in the amount of $212,000 in Germany, that is contained in title I, section 101, under the heading "OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES" and subheading "ARMY COMPONENT COMMANDS (European Command A r e a) " of the Act of July 27, 1962 (76 Stat. 225); (f) operational facilities, administrative facilities, troop housing and utilities in the amount of $3,705,000 at classified locations that is contained in title I, section 101, under the heading "OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES" and subheading "ARMY COMPONENT COMMANDS (European Command A r e a) " of the Act of July 27, 1962 (76 Stat. 225);


Reports to Congress.

