Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/435

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[78 STAT. 393]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 393]

78 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 88-421-AUG. 11, 1964 TRACT N U M B E R E D



That part of the northeast quarter southwest (quarter section 31, townsliip 10 north, range 4 east, Indian meridian, Pottawatomie (.""ounty, Okhihoma, described as: Beginning at the northeast corner of said northeast quarter southwest quarter, said point being the center of section 31; thence south 167 feet; thence west 1,302 feet to the intersection with the west line of the right-of-way of Oklahoma State Highway Numbered 18; thence northeasterly along the west right-ofway line a distance of 167 feet to the north line of said northeast quarter southwest quarter; thence east along said north line a distance of 1,297.4 feet to the point of beginning; containing 4.678 acres, more or less. TRACT N U M B E R E D


That part of the northeast quarter southwest quarter section 31, township 10 north, range 4 east, Indian meridian, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, described as: Beginning at the southeast corner of said northeast quarter southwest quarter; thence north along the east line of said northeast quarter southwest quarter a distance of 337 feet to the intersection with the west right-of-way line of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way; thence southwesterly along said west right-of-way line a distance of 367 feet to the intersection with the south line of said northeast quarter southwest quarter; thence east along the south line a distance of 129 feet to the point of beginning; containing.498 acre, more or less. TRACT N U M B E R E D 0

The reserved mineral deposits, including the right to prospect for and remove the same, in and under lands described as the south half of lot 2 (southwest quarter northwest quarter), and that part of the southwest quarter southeast quarter northwest quarter lying west of the cenlerline of Oklahoma State Highway Numbered 18 and adjacent to the south half of said lot 2, all in section 31, township 10 north, range 4 east, Indian meridian, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, containing 19.87 acres, more or less, which lands were previously conveyed to Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, by quitclaim deed dated December 17, 1959, pursuant to the Act of June 4, 1953 (67 Stat. 71; 25 ILS.C^ 293a), said deed appearing of record in Pottawatomie County, Okla- ^^ ^*^*- ^ihonia, in deed book 174 at page 367 of the land records of said county. The title of the tribe to the lands hereinbefore described and the improvements thereon shall be subject to no exemption from taxation or restriction on use, management, or disposition because of Indian ownership. SEC. 2. Subject to valid existing rights, the Secretary of the Interior gif^^^^gTrib is authorized and directed to convey to the Absentee-Shawnee Tribe o^veyance! of Indians of Oklahoma all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the following described lands of the Shawnee Indian School and Agency Reserve, including reversionary rights and retained mineral interests under existing grants, together with all improvements located thereon: TRACT N U M B E R E D


That part of the northeast quarter southwest quarter section 31, township 10 north, range 4 east, Indian meridian, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, described as: Beginning at a point 1,320 feet south and 726 feet west of the northeast corner oi said northeast quarter southwest quarter; thence north 220.44 feet; thence west 594