Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/554

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[78 STAT. 512]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 512]


PUBLIC LAW 88-452-AUG. 20, 1964



PART B—^WORK-TRAINING PROGRAMS STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Unemployed youth, work experience opportunities.

SEC. 111. The purpose of this part is to provide useful work experience opportunities for unemployed young men and young women, through participation in State and community work-training programs, so that their employability may be increased or their education resumed or continued and so that public agencies and private nonprofit organizations (other than political parties) will be enabled to carry out programs which will permit or contribute to an undertaking or service in the public interest that would not otherwise be provided, or will contribute to the conservation and development of natural resources and recreational areas. DEVELOPMENT OF PROGRAMS

Cooperation with States.

SEC. 112. I n order to carry out the purposes of this part, the Director shall assist and cooperate with State and local agencies and private nonprofit organizations (other than political parties) in developing programs for the employment of young people in State and community activities hereinafter authorized, which, whenever appropriate, shall be coordinated with programs of training and education provided by local public educational agencies. FINANCIAL

Federal payments.



SEC. 113. (a) The Director is authorized to enter into agreements providing for the payment by him of part or all of the cost of a State or local program submitted hereunder if he determines, in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe, that— (1) enrollees in the program will be employed either (A) on publicly owned and operated facilities or projects, or (B) on local projects sponsored by private nonprofit organizations (other than political parties), other than projects involving the construction, operation, or maintenance of so much of any facility used or to be used for sectarian instruction or as a place for religious worship; (2) the program will increase the employability of the enrollees by providing work experience and training in occupational skills or pursuits in classifications in which the Director finds there is a reasonable expectation of employment, or will enable student enrollees to resume or to maintain school attendance; (3) the program will permit or contribute to an undertaking or service in the public interest that would not otherwise be provided, or will contribute to the conservation, development, or management of the natural resources of the State or community or to the development, management, or protection of State or community recreational areas; (4) the program will not result in the displacement of employed workers or impair existing contracts for services; (5) the rates of pay and other conditions of employment will be appropriate and reasonable in the light of such factors as the type of work performed, geographical region, and proficiency of the employee; (6) to the maximum extent feasible, the program will be coordinated with vocational training and educational services adapted to the special needs of enrollees in such program and sponsored by State or local public educational agencies: Provided, however, That where such services are inadequate or unavailable,