Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/579

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[78 STAT. 537]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 537]

78 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 88-454-AUG. 20, 1964 (\)NTiN(jKNT E X P E N S E S O F THE




For salaries and expenses of the Majority Policy Committee and the Minority Policy Committee, $175,585 for each such committee; in all, $351,170. AUTOMOBILES AND MAINTENANCE

For purchase, exchange, driving, maintenance, and operation of four automobiles, one for the Vice President, one for the President Pro Tempore, one for the Majority I-/eader, and one for the Minority Trader, $39,840. FURNITURE

For service and materials in cleaning and repairing furniture, and for the purchase of furniture, $31,190: Provided, That the furniture purchased is not available from other agencies of the Government. INQUIRIES AND INVESTIGATIONS

For expenses of inquiries and investigations ordered by the Senate or conducted pursuant to section 134(a) of Public Law 601, Seventyninth Congress, including $380,000 for the Committee on Appropriations, to be available also for the purposes mentioned in Senate Resolution Numbered 193, agreed to October 14, 1943, $4,275,760.



For the employment of personnel for folding speeches and pamphlets at a gross rate of not exceeding $2.03 per hour per person, $36,700. MAIL TRANSPORTATION

For maintaining, exchanging, and equipping motor vehicles for carrying the mails and for official use of the offices of the Secretary and Sergeant at Arms, $16,560. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS

For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, $2,660,790, including $85,000 for payment to the Architect of the Capitol in accordance with section 4 of Public Law 87-82, approved July 6, 1961. 75 Stat. 199 ' ^^ POSTAGE STAMPS

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For postage stamps for the Offices of the Secretaries for the Majority and Minority, $140; and for airmail and special-delivery stamps for Office of the Secretary, $160; Office of the Sergeant at Arms, $125; Senators and the President of the Senate, as authorized by law, $61,610; in all, $62,035. STATIONERY (REVOLVING FUND)

For stationery for Senators and the President of the Senate, $242,400; and for stationery for committees and officers of the Senate, $13,200; in all, $256,600, to remain available until expended.

40 USC 174J-4.