Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/619

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[78 STAT. 577]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 577]

78 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 88-467-AUG. 20, 1964


In any proceeding to determine whether a broker or dealer shall be denied membership or whether any person shall be barred from being associated with a member, such rules shall provide that the broker or dealer or person shall be notified of, and be given an opportunity to be heard upon, the specific grounds for denial or bar which are under consideration; that a record shall be kept; and that the determination shall set forth the specific grounds upon which the denial or bar is based,". (7) Section 15A(b) of said Act is further amended by adding at fs usc'rso-a, the end thereof the following: "(12) the rules of the association include provisions governing the form and content of quotations relating to securities sold otherwise than on a national securities exchange which may be disseminated by any member or any person associated with a member, and the persons to whom such quotations may be supplied. Such rules relating to quotations shall be designed to produce fair and informative quotations, both at the wholesale and retail level, to prevent fictitious or misleading quotations, and to promote orderly procedures for collecting and publishing quotations. The provisions of this subsection, as in effect prior to the date of enactment of the Securities Acts Amendments of 1964, shall be applicable to the rules of any registered securities association which was registered on such date until July 1, 1964. After July 1, 1964, the Commission may, after notice and opportunity for hearing, suspend the registration of any such association if it finds that the rules thereof do not conform to the requirements of this subsection, as amended by section 7 of the Securities Acts Amendments of 1964, and any such suspension shall remain in effect until the Commission issues an order determining that such rules have been modified to conform with such requirements." (b) Section 15A(d)(2) is amended by striking the figure " (9) " inserting in lieu thereof "(10)", and by inserting "and paragraph (12)," immediately after "inclusive,". (c) Section 15A(g) is amended to read as follows: ^5 ug^" ^^^^^ " (g) If any registered securities association (whether national or affiliated) takes any disciplinary action against any member thereof or any person associated with such a member or denies admission to any broker or dealer seeking membership therein^ or bars any person from being associated with a member, such action shall be subject to review by the Commission, on its own motion, or upon application by any person aggrieved thereby filed within thirty days after such action has been taken or within such longer period as the Commission may determine. Application to the Commission for review, or the institution of review by the Commission on its own motion, shall operate as a stay of such action until an order is issued upon such review pursuant to subsection (h), unless the Commission otherwise orders, after notice and opportunity for hearing on the question of a stay (which hearing may consist solely of affidavits and oral arguments)." (d) Section 15A(h) of said Act is amended to read as follows: " (h)(1) In a proceeding to review disciplinary action taken by a registered securities association against a member thereof or a person associated with a member, if the Commission, after appropriate notice and opportunity for hearing, upon consideration of the record before the association and such other evidence as it may deem relevant— " (A) finds that such member or person has engaged in such acts or practices, or has omitted such act, as the association has found liim to have engaged in or omitted, and