Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/710

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[78 STAT. 668]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
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PUBLIC LAW 88-509-AUG. 30, 1964

[78 STAT.

§28-2103. Assignee Only a resident of the District of Columbia may be an assignee in an assignment for the benefit of creditors. His assent shall appear in writing in, or at the end of, or indorsed on, the assignment. An assignment is invalid unless acknowledged and recorded within five days after its execution in the land records of the District. A trust created by an assignment shall be executed under the supervision and control of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. § 28-2104. Bond of assignee Immediately upon the filing for record of an assignment for the benefit of creditors, the assignee shall execute and file in the clerk's office of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia his bond to the United States, in an amount and with security to be approved by a judge thereof, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties according to law, and the court may from time to time require the assignee, or a trustee appointed in his place, to give additional security when required by the interests of the creditors. § 28-2105. Non-performance by assignee—Trustee If an assignee named in an assignment for the benefit of creditors fails or refuses to comply with any of the requirements of sections 21-2103 and 21-2104, a judge of the District Court may, on the application of the assignor or a creditor interested in the assignment, remove the assignee and appoint a trustee in his place to execute the trusts created by the assignment, who shall give bond as the court may require. And the court may accept the resignation of an assignee or trustee, and in case of his resignation, death, or removal from the District, appoint a trustee in his place. The court, for cause shown, on the application of an interested person, may remove an assignee or trustee and appoint a trustee in his place, and make and enforce all orders necessary to put the newly appointed trustee in possession of all property covered by the assignment. Upon the death of an assignee or trustee the court may require his executor or administrator to settle his account and to deliver over to his successor all property belonging to the trust, in default of which the successor may bring suit upon the bond of the deceased assignee or trustee or upon the bond of the executor or administrator, accordingly as the assignee or trustee, executor or administrator is the party in default. § 28-2106. Duties of assignee An assignee or trustee, after giving bond, shall collect and take into his possession all the property covered by the assignment, and to that end he may bring suit in his own name to recover debts due or property belonging to the assignor and embraced in the assignment. The court may require the assignor to be examined under oath touching his property, and may make all orders necessary to prevent any fraudulent transfer of or change in the property of the assignor. The assignee or trustee shall return inventories of the assets coming to his hands and, upon the direction of the court, sell and dispose of them; and his conveyance of any property of the assignor, real or personal, transfers the entire title of the assignor therein to the purchaser. When the assets have been converted into money the assignee or trustee shall settle his accounts and make distribution among the creditors, under the direction of the court, according to the usual course of proceeding in creditor's suits.