Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/746

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[78 STAT. 704]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 704]


PUBLIC LAW 88-525-AUG. 31, 1964

[78 STAT.

(k) The term "food stamp program" means any program promulgated pursuant to the provisions of this Act. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FOOD STAMP PROGRAM

Distribution during emergencies.

SEC. 4. (a) The Secretary is authorized to formuhite and administer a food stamp program under which, at the request of an appropriate State agency, eligible households within the State shall be provided with an opportunity more nearly to obtain a nutritionally adequate diet through the issuance to them of a coupon allotment which shall have a greater monetary value than their normal expenditures for food. The coupons so received by such households shall be used only to purchase food from retail food stores which have been approved for participation in the food stamp program. Coupons issued and used as provided in this Act shall be redeemable at face value by the Secretary through the facilities of the Treasury of the United States. (b) In areas where a food stamp program is in effect, there shall be no distribution of federally owned foods to households under the authority of any other law except during emergency situations caused by a national or other disaster as determined by the Secretary. (c) The Secretary shall issue such regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, as he deems necessary or appropriate for the effective and efficient administration of the food stamp program. ELIGIBLE HOU8EHOL1XS


SEC. 5. (a) Participation in the food stamp program shall be limited to those households whose income is determined to be a substantial limiting factor in the attainment of a nutritionally adequate diet. (b) I n complying with the limitation on participation set forth in subsection (a) above, each State agency shall estaolish standards to determine the eligibility of applicant households. Such standards shall include maximum income limitations consistent with the income standards used by the State agency in administration of its federally aided public assistance programs. Such standards also shall place a limitation on the resources to be allowed eligible households. The standards of eligibility to be used by each State for the food stamp program shall m subject to the approval of the Secretary. I S S U A N C E A N D U S E OF COUPONS


SEC. 6. (|a) Coupons shall be printed in such denominations as may be determined to be necessary, and shall be issued only to households which have been duly certified as eligible to participate in the food stamp program. (b) Coupons issued to eli^ble households shall be used by them only to purchase food in retail food stores which have been approved for participation in the food stamp program at prices prevailing in such stores: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall be construed as authorizing the Secretary to specity the prices at which food may be sold by wholesale food concerns or retail food stores. (c) Coupons issued to eligible households shall be simple in design and shall include only such words or illustrations as are required to explain their purpose and define their denomination. The name of any public official shall not appear on such coupons.