Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/862

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[78 STAT. 820]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 820]


PUBLIC LAW 88-563-SEPT. 2, 1964

[78 STAT.

tions at the time of designation. Any designation under this subparagraph shall be made on or before January 31 following the close of the calendar year. Any tax paid by such company under section 4911 on the acquisition of the additional stock or debt obligations so designated shall constitute an overpayment of tax; and, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary or his delegate, credit or refund (without interest) shall be allowed or made with respect to such overpayment. ' ' (D) S U P P L E M E N T A L REQUIRED DESIGNATIONS AFTEii CLOSE

Post, p. 830.

OF YEAR.—If during any calendar year an insurance company acquires stock or debt obligations which are excluded from the tax imposed by section 4911 under an Executive order described in section 4917, and if at the close of the calendar year (and after the designation of additional assets under subparagraph (C)) the adjusted basis of all assets in a fund described in paragraph (2) is less than 110 percent of the allowable reserve applicable to such fund, such company shall, to the extent permitted by subparagraph (E), designate as part of such fund stock and debt obligations acquired by it during the calendar year and owned by it at the close of the calendar year, as follows: First, stock, and debt obligations having a period remaining to maturity (on the date of acquisition) of 3 years or more and payable in foreign currency, which were excluded from the tax imposed by section 4911 under such Executive order; ^cond, if the company so elects, debt obligations of foreign obligors having a period remaining to maturity (on the date of acquisition) of less than 3 years and payable in foreign currency; and third, debt obligations having a period remaining to maturity (on the date of acquisition) of 3 years or more and payable solely in United States currency, which were excluded from the tax imposed by section 4911 under such Executive order. The designations under this subparagraph shall be made on or before January 31 following the close of the calendar year. "(E)


"(i) IN GENERAL.—Stock or a debt obligation may be designated under subparagraph (B), (C), or (D) as part of a fund of assets described in paragraph (2) only to the extent that, immediately after such designation, the adjusted basis of all the assets held in such fund does not exceed 110 percent of the applicable allowable reserve (determined in accordance with paragraph (4) (B)(i)). To the extent any designation of stock or a debt obligation exceeds the amount permitted by the preceding sentence, such designation shall be ineffective and the provisions of this chapter shall apply with respect to the acquisition of such stock or debt obligation as if such designation had not been made. " ( i i) SHORT-TERM OBLIGATIONS.—No designation may

be made under subparagraph (B) or (C) of any debt obligation which has a period remaining to maturity (on the date of acquisition) of less than 3 years. " (4) DETERMINATION OF RESERVES.— " (A) GENERAL RULE.—For purposes of this subsection,

26 USC* 801^* 26 USC 810.'

the term 'allowable reserve' means— " (i) in the case of a life insurance company (as defined in section 801 ( a ^, the items taken into account under section 810(c) arising out of contracts of insurance