Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1151

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[79 STAT. 1111]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1111]

PUBLIC LAW 89-301-OCT. 29, 1965

79 STAT. J


(d) All delegations of authority, orders, regulations, directives, or other official actions, with respect to the benefits and allowances provided by such section 235 of title 38, United States Code, shall continue in full force and effect until modified, amended, superseded, or revoked. Approved October 28, 1965.

Public Law 89-301 AN ACT

To adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees of the Federal Government, and for other purposes.

October 29, 1965

[H. R. 10231]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Federal Employees Salary Act of 1965". E M P L O Y E E S S U B J E C T TO CLASSIFICATION ACT OF


SEC. 2. (a) Section 603(b) of the Classification Act of 1949, as ^e^^s^^iTr ^S^t^of' amended (78 Stat. 400; 5 U.S.C. 1113(b)), is amended to read as tges.^ ^^ "^ follows: " (b) The conipejisation schedule for the General Schedule shall be HS follows: Per annum rates and steps

"Grade 1 (iS-1 G8-2 QS-3 GS-4GS-5GS-6 GS-7 GS-8 GS-9GS-10 GS-U.... GS-12 GS-13 GS-14 GS-15 GS-16 GS-17 GS-18







$3,507 3,814 4,149 4,641 5,181 5,702 6,269 6,869 7,479 8,184 8,961 10,619 12,510 14,680 17,056 19,619 22,217 25,382

$3,626 3,943 4,289 4,797 5,352 5,894 6,476 7,097 7,733 8,464 9,267 10,987 12,945 15,188 17,645 20,297 22,994

$3,745 4,072 4,429 4,953 5,523 6,086 6,683 7,325 7,987 8,744 9,573 11,355 13,380 15,696 18,235 20,975 23,771

$3,864 4,201 4,569 5,109 5,694 6,278 6,890 7,553 8,241 9,024 9,879 11,723 13,815 16,204 18,825 21,653 24,548

$3,983 4,330 4,709 5,265 5,865 6,470 7,097 7,781 8,495 9,304 10,185 12,091 14,250 16, 712 19,415 22,331 25,325

$4,102 4,459 4,849 5,421 6,036 6,662 7,304 8,009 8,749 9,584 10,491 12,459 14,685 17,220 20,005 23,009

$4,221 4,588 4,989 5,577 6,207 6,854 7,511 8,237 9,003 9,864 10,797 12,827 15,120 17,728 20,595 23,687



$4,340 $4,459 4,717 4,846 5,129 6,269 5,7335,889 6,378 6,649 7,046 7,238 7,718 7,925 8,465 8,693 9,257 9,511 10,144 10,424 11,103 11,409 13.195 13,563 15,556 16,990 18,236 18,744 21,185 21, 776 24,365 26,043

10 $4,578 4,975 5,409 6,045 6,720 7,430 8,132 8,921 9.765 10,704 11,715 13,931 16,425 19,262 22,365

> >

(b) Except as provided in section 504(d) of the Federal Salary Reform Act of 1962 (78 Stat. 412; 5 U.S.C. 1173(d)), the r a t ^ of basic compensation of officer's and employees to whom the compensaUon schedule set forth in subsection (a) of this section applies shall l>e initially adjusted as of the effective date of this section, as follows: (1) If the officer or employee is receiving basic compensation iuimediately prior to the effective date of this section at one of the rates of a grade in the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, he shall ret^-eive a rate of basic compensation at the corresponding rate in effect on and after such date. (2) If the officer or employee is receiving basic compensation inunediately prior to the effet^tive date of this section at a rate between two rates of a grade in the General Schedule of the (Classification Act of 1949, as amended, he shall receive a rate of basic compensation at the higher of the two^ori^esponding rates in effect on and after such date.

Adjustment rates.

78 Stat. 400.