Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1251

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[79 STAT. 1211]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1211]

79 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-321-NOV. 3, 1965

the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended, from any farm composed of public lands to any other farm or farms in the same county composed of public lands: Provided, That as a condition for the transfer of any allotment or base an acreage equal to or greater than the allotment or base transferred prior to adjustment, if any, shall be devoted to and maintained in permanent vegetative cover on the farm from which the transfer is made. The Secretary shall prescribe regulations which he deems necessary for the administration of this section, which may provide for adjusting downward the size of the allotment or base transferred if the farm to which the allotment or base is transferred normally has a higher yield per acre for the commodity for which the allotment or base is determined, for reasonable limitations on the size of the resulting allotments and bases on farms to which transfers are made, taking into account the size of the allotments and bases on farms of similar size in the community, and for retransferring allotments or bases and relevant histories if the conditions of the transfer are not fulfilled. SEC. 707. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is amended by inserting after section 378 the following new section: «R E CONSTITUTION


5 2 Stat. 31. 7 USC 128 1.


"SEC. 379. I n any case in which the ownership of a tract of land is transferred from a parent farm, the acreage allotments, history acreages, and base acreages for the farm shall be divided between such tract and the parent farm in the same proportion that the cropland acreage in such tract bears to the cropland acreage in the parent farm, except that the Secretary shall provide by regulation the method to be used in determining the division, if any, of the acreage allotments, histories, and bases in any case in which— "(1) the tract of land transferred from the parent farm has been or is bein^ transferred to any agency having the right to acquire it by eminent domain; "(2) the tract of land transferred from the parent farm is to be used for nonagricultural purposes; "(3) the parent farm resulted from a combination of two or more tracts of land and records are available showing the contribution of each tract to the allotments, histories, and bases of the parent farm; "(4) the appropriate county committee determines that a division based on cropland proportions would result in allotments and bases not representative of the operations normally carried out on any transferred tract during the base period; or "(5) the parent farm is divided among heirs in settling an estate. "(6) neither the tract transferred from the parent farm nor the remaining portion of the parent farm receives allotments in excess of allotments for similar farms in the community having allotments of the commodity or commodities involved and such allotments are consistent with good land uses, but this clause (6) shall not be applicable in the case of hurley tobacco." SEC. 708. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the determination of farm yields the Secretary may use projected yields in lieu of normal yields. In the determination of such yields the Secretary shall take into account the actual yield proved by the producer for the base period used in determining the projected yield, and the pro-

