79 STAT. ]
PUBLIC LAW 89-329-NOV. 8, 1965
Public Law 89-329 AN ACT
November s^ 1965
To strengthen the educational resources of our colleges and universities and to provide financial assistance for students in postsecondary and higher education.
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Be it enacted by the Senate and Bouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may ^^^^^^Y ^'^'"'^^' be cited as the "Higher Education Act of 1965". TITLE I—COMMUNITY SERVICE A N D C O N T I N U I N G EDUCATION PROGRAMS AppROrRIATIONS
SEC. 101. For the purpose of assisting the people of the United States in the solution of community problems such as housing, poverty, government, recreation, employment, youth opportunities, transportation, health, and land use by enabling the Commissioner to make grants under this title to strengthen community service programs of colleges and universities, there are authorized to be appropriated $35,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, and $50,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, and for the succeeding fiscal year. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, and the succeeding fiscal year, there may be appropriated, to enable the Commissioner to make such grants, only such sums as the Congress may hereafter authorize by law. DEFINITION o r COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAM
SEC. 102. For purposes of this title, the term "community service program" means an educational program, activity, or service, including a research program and a university extension or continuing education offering, which is designed to assist in the solution of community problems in rural, urban, or suburban areas, with particular emphasis on urban and suburban problems, where the institution offering such program, activity, or service determines— (1) that the proposed program, activity, or service is not otherwise available, and (2) that the conduct of the program or performance of the activity or service is consistent with the institution's over-all educational program and is of such a nature as is appropriate to the effective utilization of the institution's special resources and the competencies of its faculty. Where course ofl'erings are involved, such courses must be university extension or continuing education courses and must be— (A) fully acceptable toward an academic degree, or (B) of college level as determined by the institution offering such courses. ALLOTMENTS TO STATES
SEC. 103. (a) Of the sums appropriated pursuant to section 101 for each fiscal year, the Commissioner shall allot $25,000 each to Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands and $100,000 to each of the other States, and he shall allot to each State an amount which bears the same ratio to the remainder of such sums as the population of the State bears to the population of all States. (b) The amount of any State's allotment under subsection (a) for any fiscal year which the Commissioner determines will not be required.