Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1273

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[79 STAT. 1233]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1233]

79 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-329-NOV. 8, 1965


If the amount of the payment determined mider the preceding sentence for an academic year is less than $200 for a student, no payment shall be made under this title to that student for that year. The Commissioner shall, subject to the foregoing limitations^ prescribe for the guidance of participating institutions basic criteria or schedules (or both) for the determination of the amount of any such educational opportunity grant, taking into account the objective of limiting grant aid under this part to students of exceptional financial need and such other factors, including the number of dependents in the family, as the Commissioner may deem relevant. D U R A T I O N OF EDUCATIONAL O P P O R T U N I T Y


SEC. 403. The duration of an educational opportunity grant awarded under this part shall be the period required for completion by the recipient of his undergraduate course of study at the institution of higher education from which he received the educational opportunity grant, except that such period shall not exceed four academic years less any such period with respect to which the recipient has previously received payments under this part pursuant to a prior educational opportunity grant (whether made by the same or another institution). An educational opportunity grant awarded under this part shall entitle Ihe recipient to payments only if he (1) is maintaining satisfactory progress in the course of study which he is pursuing, according to the regularly prescribed standards and practices of the institution from which he received the grant, and (2) is devoting essentially full time ro that course of study, during the academic year, in attendance at that institution. Failure to be in attendance at the institution during^ia'^ar^'se/vice vacation periods or periods of military service, or during other periods etc. during which the Commissioner determines in accordance with regulations that there is good cause for his nonattendance (during which periods he shall receive no payments) shall not be deemed contrary to clause (2). SELECTION OF R E C I P I E N T S OF EDUCATIONAL O P P O R T U N I T Y GRANTS

SEC. 404. (a) An individual shall be eligible for the award of an educational opportunity grant under this part at any institution of higher education which has made an agreement with the Commissioner pursuant to section 407 (which institution is hereinafter in this part referred to as an "eligible institution"), if the individual makes application at the time and in the manner prescribed by that institution. (b) From among those eligible for educational opportunity grants from an institution of higher education for each fiscal year, the institution shall, in accordance with the provisions of its agreement with the Commissioner under section 407 and within the amount allocated to the institution for that purpose for that year under section 406, select individuals who are to be awarded such grants and determine, pursuant to section 402, the amounts to be paid to them. An institution shall not award an educational opportunity grant to an individual unless it determines that— (1) he has been accepted for enrollment as a full-time student at such institution or, in the case of a student already attending such institution, is in good standing and in full-time attendance there as an undergraduate student; (2) he shows evidence of academic or creative promise and capability of maintaining good standing in his course of study; (3) he is of exceptional financial need; and