Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/142

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[79 STAT. 102]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 102]


78 Stat. 974.

PUBLIC LAW 89-16-APR. 30, 1965

[79 STAT.

"Foreign quarantine activities", $158,000; "Indian health activities", $1,320,000; "National Institute of Mental Health", $341,000, to be derived by transfer from the appropriation for "National Cancer Institute", fiscal year 1965; "National Heart Institute", $347,000, of which $275,000 shall be derived by transfer from the appropriation for "General research and services. National Institutes of Health", fiscal year 1965; and $72,000 shall be derived by transfer from the appropriation for "National Cancer Institute", fiscal year 1965; "National Institute of Dental Research", $107,000, to be derived by transfer from the appropriation for "National Cancer Institute", fiscal year 1965; "National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases", $294,000, to be derived by transfer from the appropriation for "General research and services, National Institutes of Health", fiscal year 1965; "National Institiite of Allergy and Infectious Diseases", $253,000, to be derived by transfer from the appropriation for "National Cancer Institute", fiscal year 1965; "National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness", $268,000, to be derived by transfer from the appropriation for "National Cancer Institute", fiscal year 1965; "National health statistics", $152,000; "National Library of Medicine", $66,000; "Salaries and expenses. Office of the Surgeon General", $208,000; Saint Elizabeths Hospital: "Salaries and expenses", the total amount available for "Salaries and expenses", in the "Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1965", is herebv increased from "$28,330,000" to "$29,369,000"; Social Security Administration: "Limitation on salaries and expenses. Social Security Administration" (increase of $5,216,000 in the amomit to be expended from either or both the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund and the Federal disability insurance trust fund); AVelfare Administration: "Salaries and expenses. Bureau of Family Services", $155,000; "Salaries and expenses. Children's Bureau", $103,000; "Salaries and expenses. Office of Aging", $21,000: "Salaries and expenses. Office of the Commissioner", $42,000; Special institutions: "Freedmen's Hospital", $165,000; "Salaries and expenses, Howard L^'niversify", $183,000; Office of the Secretary: "Salaries and expenses", $211,000: "Office of Field Administration", $155,000, together with not to exceed $52,000 to be transferred from the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund; "Surplus property utilization", $31,000; "Office of the General Counsel", $100,500