Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1426

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[79 STAT. 1386]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1386]


66 Stat. 242. 8 USC 1427.

PRIVATE LAW 89-135-OCT. 19, 1965

[79 STAT.

time Doctor Otto F. Kernberg has resided in the United States since August 16, 1959, shall be held and considered to meet the residence and physical presence requirements of section 316 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Approved October 19, 1965. Private Law 89-135

October 19, 1965 [S. 139 7]

Vasileos Koutsougeanopoulos. Ante, p. 917. 8 USC 1101.

8 USC 1155.

AN ACT For the relief of Vasileos Koutsougeaiiopoulos. Be it enacted by the Semite and Hoxme of Reprei^entatives of the United /States- of Amerwa In Congre.s.s a.s-s-e/nhled. That, in the administration of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Vasileos Koutsougeanopoulos may be classified as an eligible orphan within the meaning of section 101(b)(1)(F) of that Act, and a petition may be filed in l>ehalf of the said Vasileos Koutsougeanopoiilos by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Apostle, citizens of the United States, pursuant to section 205(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act subject to all the conditions in that section relating to eligible orphans. Approved October 19, 1965. Private Law 89-136

October 19, 1965 [S. 1775]

Erich Gansmuller.

66 Stat. 242. 8 USC 1427.

AN ACT For the relief of Erich Gansmuller. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amenca in Congress aMemoled^ That, notwithstanding the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the periods of time Erich Gansmuller has resided and was physically present in the United States or any State since October 17, 1957, shall be held and (considered as compliance with the residence and physical presence requirement of section 316 of said Act. Approved October 19, 1965. Private Law 89-137

October 19, 1965 [S. 1873]

e i a r a W. Dollar.

5 USC 1132.

AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Clara W. Dollar. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. Tlrat Mrs. Clara W. Dollar, of Atlanta, Georgia, is hereby relieved of all liability for repayment to the United States of the sum of $629.35, representing overpayments of compensation she received as an employee of the Federal National Mortgage Association for the period from March 25, 1956, through October 28, 1961, such overpayments having been made as a result of administrative error in establishing her salary rate when she was promoted from grade GS-3, longevity step 3, to grade GS-4, longevity step 2, in violation of the limitations prescribed in section 802(b) of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. In the audit and settlement of the accounts of any certifying or dis-