Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1620

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[79 STAT. 1580]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1580]



TABLE 1.—General Legislation—Continued Amendatory provisions

Provisions affected Date

Statutes vol.: page

Public law


79 Stat

Public law


653 661 1004 1005 653 653 653 1002 653 654 654 1004 654 654 654


89-171 89-171 89-171 89-273 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-273 89-171 89-171 89-171

102(a), 303(d) 107, 109 116 101 (a), (b) 102(a) 102(a)

654 654 654 655 1005

89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-273


1961 Sept.







4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424

87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195

4 4 4 4 4

75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424

87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195

102 201 205 205 206 212 214(b) 214(b) 214(c) 221(b) 221(b)(1), (2) 221(c) 222(b) 223(c) 224 241

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424

87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195

252 301(c), 302 402 451 (a), (b) 503(b) 504 505(a) 5 0 5 (a), (b)

655 656 656 656 656 656 656 657

89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171




505(b)(2), (3)



4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424

87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195

507 (a), (b) 508 509(b) 510(a) 511(a) 511(b) 512 605(c), (d) 612(b), (c)

657 657 657 658 658 658 658 658 659

89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171

4 4

75:424 75:424

87-195 87-195

659 659

89-171 89-171

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424

87-195 620(e)(2)(3) 87-195 620(1) 87-195 620(n) 87-195 620 (o) 87-195 622 (b), (c) 87-195 624 (b), (d) 87-195 •625(d)(2) 87-195 626 (c), (d)

659 659 659 660 660 660 660 660

89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171

4 4 4 4

75:424 75:424 75:424 75:424

87-195 87-195 87-195 87-195

660 660 660 660 661 1

89-171 89-171 89-171 89-171

613(d) 620(e)(2)

630 (2), (4) 631(d) 635(g) 636 (e), (f)



103(a) 103(b) 109(b) 103(b) 104(a)(1) 104(a)(2), (3) 104(b) 104(c) 104(d) 104(e) 113

Exception. Restrictions. Amendment. Exception. Revision. Exception. Addition. Amendment. Do. Exception. Amendment. Do. Do.

Do. Do. Addition. Revision. Appropriation limitation. 105 Amendment. 106 (a), (b) Do. 107 Do. 108 (a), (b) Do. 201(a) Do. 201(b) Do. 201(c)(1) Do. Subsec. (b) deleted; 201(c)(2) proviso of (a) r e designated a s (b). 2 0 1 (c)(3). Clause (2) of r e designated subsec. (b) r e n u m b e r e d as (3); new (2) added. 201(d) Amendment. 201(e) Do. 201(f) Do. 201(g) Do. 201(h)(1) Do. 201(h)(2) Revision. 201(i) Amendment. 301(a) Addition. Subsec. (c) redesig301(b) n a t e d as (b) and amended. 301(c) Addition. 301(d)(1), Amendment. (2) Deletion. 301(d)(2) 301(d)(3) Amendment. 301(d)(4) Addition. 301(d)(4) Addition; exception. 302(a) Amendment. 302(b) Do. 302(c) Do. Subsec. (d) redesig302(d) n a t e d as (c). 302(e) Amendment. 302(f) Addition. 302(g) Amendment. 302(h) Do.