Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1661

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[79 STAT. 1621]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1621]

SUBJECT Alabama: Page Appalachian region, county designation. 21 Federal assistance in, proclamation 1479 Alaska: Federal Development Planning Committees for Alaska, appropriation for 191 Judges of District Court, territorial service, retirement credit 213 Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Amendments of 1965— Divided retirement system 385 Validation of certain school employees 412 Tlingit and H a i d a Indians, organization for distribution of j u d g m e n t funds. 543 Transitional g r a n t s to, appropriation for 191 University of Alaska, disposition of certain lands, waiver of l i m i t a t i o n s. 896 Alaska Omnibus Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 191 Alaska Railroad Revolving Fund: Appropriation for 86, 180 General manager, assistant, and officers, compensation 180 Alcohol and Cigarettes, excise tax, continuation 150 Alibates Flint Quarries and Texas Panhandle Pueblo Culture National Monument, Tex., establishment 587 Aliens. See also Immigration and N a t u ralization Service and Immigration and Nationality Act. [NOTE: For actions concerning individuals, see Individual Index, following this Subject Index.] Deportation suspensions 1436 Social security benefits, s u s p e n s i o n.... 334 Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of, appropriation for 602 Alliance for Progress: Appropriation authorization 655 Appropriation for 1002 American Battle Monuments Commission, appropriation for 106, 639 American Education Week, 1965, proclamation 1506 American Heart Month, 1965, proclamation 1469 American Hospital of Paris, removal of property limitation 901 American Legion Baseball Week, National: Designation 548 Proclamation . 1501 American Legion 1966 Convention Corporation, D.C.: Appropriation for expenses 237 Special regulations 114



American-Mexican Chamizal Convention Page Act of 1964, appropriation for effecting provisions 623 American Printing House for the Blind, appropriation for 606 American Samoa, educational assistance for federally affected areas 35 Anadromous and Great Lakes Fish, conservation program 1125 Animal Disease Control, appropriation for. 1166 Antitrust and Monopoly, Senate Subcommittee on, printing of additional copies of hearings 1433, 1437 "The Anti-Vietnam Agitation and the Teach-In Movement," printing as Senate d o c u m e n t; additional c o p i e s.. 1437 Appalachian Regional Commission: Appropriation for 96 Establishment 6 Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 5 Administration; annual report 19, 20 Appalachian Regional Commission, establishment 6 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 92-96 Special programs 10-19 Appeals, Courts of. See under Courts, United States. Apprenticeship and Training, Bureau of, appropriation for ' 589, 831 Appropriation Acts: Agriculture, Department of, supplemental, 1965 4 Agriculture Department and related agencies, 1966 1165 Commerce, Department of, 1966 629 Continuing Appropriations, 1966 204, 285, 614, 895, 982 Defense, Department of, 1966 863 Defense, Department of, supplemental, 1965 109 District of Columbia, 1966 236 Executive Office, 1966 201 Foreign assistance and related agencies, 1966 1002 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, 1966 593 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, supplemental, 1966 — 832 I n d e p e n d e n t Offices, 1966 520 Interior Department and related agencies, 1966 174 Judiciary, 1966 636 Justice, Department of, 1966 625 Labor, Department of, 1966 589 Labor, Department of, supplemental, 1966 831 Legislative Branch, 1966 265 Military Construction, 1966 835 Post Office Department, 1966 199