Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1665

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[79 STAT. 1625]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1625]

SUBJECT INDEX Bomb Threats, false information, penalty Page for conveyance 210 Bonneville Power Advisory Board, abolition, transfer of functions to Interior Department 1322 Bonneville Power Administration, appropriation for 1104 Botanic Garden, appropriation for 278 Bowling Alleys, excise tax, repeal 149 Brazil, naval vessels, loan to 1214 Bretton Woods Agreements Act: Abolition of National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems 1321 Amendments— International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, loans to International Finance Corporation, authorization 519 National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems, reporting requirements 519 United States quota in International Monetary Fund, increase, authorization 119 Bridges, Francis Case Memorial Bridge, D.C., designation 838 Budget, Bureau of the: Advisory Council on Servicemen's Group Life Insurance, membership 885 Appropriation for 202 Joint Commission on the Coinage, membership 258 Reports to. General Services Administration, automatic data processing equipment inventory 1127 Budget and Economic Report, extension of transmission date 3 Buses, Interstate, motor fuels taxation and taxation proration and reciprocity compacts 58, 1157 Business and Defense Services Administration, appropriation for 630 Business Economics, Office of, appropriation for 629 Business Machines, excise tax, repeal 140 C California: Auburn-Folsom South unit, American River division. Central Valley project, construction Eel River Basin— Flood control survey; project authorization 132, Protective work by railroads, reimbursement Kings Canyon National Park, additional lands 49-850 O-66-105

615 1083 1088 446

California—Continued Marine biological research laboratory. University of California, land reconveyance provision Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Amendments of 1965, coverage for certain hospital employees Pacific Northwest Disaster Relief Act of 1965, assistance to Sacramento River Basin, flood control project, authorization San Diego, land conveyance to city by General Services Administration _ _ San Diego River Basin, flood control project, authorization San Francisco Bay area— Flood control project, authorization. Water quality control study Santa Ana River Basin, flood control project, authorization Shasta National Forest, boundary extension Trinity National Forest, boundary extension Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area, establishment Whitewater River Basin, flood control project, authorization World's Fair, proclamation Camp McCoy Military Reservation, Wis., relinquishment of jurisdiction to State Canada: Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965 Implementation, proclamation International Boundary Commission, United States and, appropriation for International Joint Commission, United States and, appropriation for Canal Zone: Annuities for certain former employees, appropriation for Biological Area, increased appropriation for administration Canal Zone Government, appropriation for Panama Canal Company, appropriation for Prisoners, transfer to custody of Attorney General Canal Zone Code. For amendments and repeals of sections codified, see Table 5(c) in "Laws Affected in Volume 79", preceding this index. Cancer, and Stroke Amendments of 1965, Heart Disease

1625 Page 1124

390 131 1083 988 1084 1084 1088 1084 1299 1299 1205 1084 1445


1016 1513 624 623

523 1012 1099 1099 990