Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1668

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[79 STAT. 1628]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1628]



Page Commerce, Department of: Page Commerce, Department of—Continued HemisFair 1968 Exposition, United Advisory Council on Servicemen's Group Life Insurance, m e m b e r s h i p. 885 States participation 1026 Appalachian Regional Development Appropriation for 1150 Act of 1965— Highway Beautification Act of 1965 1028 Appropriation for effecting proviAppropriation for effecting provisions 94 sions 1151 Highway system; g r a n t - i n - a i d proHighways. See separate title. grams under, etc 10, 15, 17, 19 International activities, appropriation Appropriation Act, 1966 629 for 630 Appropriation for 91,94, Joint Commission on the Coinage, mem100, 204, 285, 614, 629, 1149 bership 258 Area Redevelopment Act, amendManpower Act of 1965 75 ments— Maritime activities— Occupational training, repeal of cerConstruction of vessels, differential tain provisions 79 subsidies, extension 519 Termination, time extension 195 Vessel exchange program, extension. _ 980 Area redevelopment activities, approW a r risk insurance, extension 264 priation for 205, 285, 614 Maritime Administration. See separate Assistant Secretary, additional 569 title. Automatic d a t a processing systems, Mobile trade fair activities: advisory and research services. _ 1128 Appropriation for 205, 285, 614, 630 Automotive Products Trade Act of Extension of program 211 1965, functions under 1023 National Advisory Council on ExtenAviation War Risk Insurance Revolving sion and Continuing Education, Fund, appropriation for 629 membership 1223 B u r t County Bridge Commission, Nebr., National Bureau of Standards, approsemiannual a u d i t report, review I2l8 priation for 631 Business and Defense Services AdminNational Public Advisory Commission istration, appropriation for 63 0 on Regional Economic DevelopBusiness Economics, Office of, appropriment, appointment 570 ation for 629 P a t e n t Office. See separate title. Census, Bureau of the. See separate title. Public Roads, Bureau of, appropriaCoast and Geodetic Survey. See sepation for 91, 95, 635, 1151 rate title. Public Works and Economic DevelopCommunity Relations Service, approprim e n t Act of 1965 552 ation for 629 Appropriation for effecting proviEconomic Development Administrations 1150 tion— Rivers and harbors projects, loans to Administrator, appointment 569 local interests to meet contribuAppropriation for 1150 tion requirements 1088 Economically distressed areas, public Reporting requirements, certain, elimworks and development facilities ination or modification 1310, 1312 grants; technical assistance, reReports to Congress. See Reports to search and information 552 under Congress. Environmental Science Services AdminState Technical Services Act of 1965__679 istration— Appropriation for effecting proviEstablishment 1318 sions 1150 Servicemen's group life insurance 880 Transportation, high-speed ground, Export Control Act of 1949— research and development; adAmendments and extension 209 visory committee, establishment — 893 Appropriation for effecting proviAppropriation for 1150 sions 630 United States Travel Service, appropriaField Services, Office of, appropriation tion for 629 for 631 Weather Bureau— General provisions. Appropriation Act_ 636, Appropriation for 632 645 Consolidation with Coast and GeodetGreat Lakes Pilotage Act of 1960, ic Survey to form Environmental appropriation for effecting proviScience Services Administration. 1318 sions 629