Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1675

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[79 STAT. 1635]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1635]



Defense, Department of—Continued Page District of Columbia—Continued Page Research and development, appropriaBorrowing authority for capital imtion for 521, 871 provements programs, increase 665 Capital outlay, appropriation for 240 Retired pay, appropriation for 865 Checks in payment of taxes, etc., Delaware River Basin Commission, appropenalty for handling and collection priation for 107, 1108 of dishonored 844 Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Claims and suits, appropriation for Area, P a. - N. J., establishment 612 settlement 82, 1134 Dental, Optometric, and Pediatric Education, National Advisory Council on Corporation Counsel, enforcement functions under certain licensing statMedical, establishment 1054 utes 1308, 1309 Dental Research, National Institute of, Correctional officers, assault on, appropriation for 602 penalty 1011 Dental Services and Resources, approCrime legislation— priation for 598 Clarification of certain laws 1307 Department of Housing and Urban DevelPrinting of additional copies of opment Act 667 hearings 1438 Dependents' Medical Care Act, appropria"Decedents' E s t a t e s and Fiduciary Retion for effecting provisions 603 lations", revision, codification, and Deposit Insurance Act, Federal, Amendenactment as Part III, Titles ment, foreign government time de18-21, District of Columbia C o d e. 685 posits, interest rates 244 Dishonored checks, penalties for hanDeveloping Institutions, Advisory Council dling and collection 844 on, establishment 1230 Divorce, a n n u l m e n t of marriage, e t c — 889 Development Planning Committees for Education, appropriation for 238 Alaska, Federal, appropriation for.. 191 F a the r Flanagan's Boys' H o m e of Boys Diamond Dies, disposal from national Town, Nebr., memorial 1215 stockpile, congressional approval 1434 Federal payments to, appropriation for. 236 Disaster Relief: Fire department, overtime compensaAppropriation for 83, 521 tion, authorization 1013 Farmers in disaster areas, compliance Francis Case Memorial Bridge, desigwith acreage reduction a g r e e m e n t s. 446 nation 838 Housing 451, 457 General provisions. Appropriation Act, Loans, extension of m a t u r i t y; suspen1966 241 sion of payments 206 Healing Arts Practice Act, District of Pacific Northwest Disaster Relief Act Columbia, 1928, amendment. Corof 1965 131 poration Counsel, enforcement School construction assistance in major functions 1308 disaster areas 1158 Health and welfare, appropriation for__ 239 Southeast Hurricane Disaster Relief Highways and traffic, appropriation for. 239 Act of 1965 1301 H o m e rule, printing of additional copies Appropriation for effecting proviof hearings 1438 sions 1152 Hospitals— Distilled Spirits, Wines, Liqueurs, Etc., Freedmen's Hospital, appropriation excise tax, continuation; structural for 606 changes 150, 160-164 Saint Elizabeths Hospital, appropriaDistrict Courts. See under Courts, United tion for 603 States. Imperial Shrine Convention, appropriation for Metropolitan Police 239 District of Columbia: Insanitary buildings, repair or demoliAmerican Legion 1966 Convention tion, tax payment provisions; servCorporation— ice of notices 1216 Appropriation for expenses 237 I n t e r s t a t e buses, motor fuels taxation Special regulations 114 and taxation proration and reciAppropriation Act, 1966 236 procity compacts 58, 60 Appropriation for 82, 108, 204, 236, 1134 Land transfer to Redevelopment Land A t t a c h m e n t before judgment, bond reAgency 1180 quirement 447 Loans and interest, appropriation for Board of Parole, parolee supervision, repayment 240 termination authority 113