Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1696

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[79 STAT. 1656]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1656]




Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Offenses Page Labor, Department of—Continued Page Control Act of 1961: Labor Standards, Bureau of, appropriamendment, extension 212 tion for 591 Appropriation for effecting provisions-. 205, Labor Statistics, Bureau of, appropria285, 606 tion for 592 Consultation of Secretary of Health, Manpower Act of 1965 75 Education, and Welfare, abolition Manpower Administration, appropriaof functions 1322 tion for 87, 589, 831 Medical Library Assistance Act of 1965, K labor standards under 1061 National Advisory Council on ExtenKaniksu National Forest, Idaho, extension sion and Continuing Education, of boundary 129 membership 1223 Kansas: National Capital Transportation Act of Fort Scott and other historical sites, 1965, labor standards under 665 commemoration 588 National F o u n d a t i o n on the Arts and Wichita, settlement of aircraft crash the Humanities Act of 1965, labor claims 211 standards under 848, 849 Kennedy, President John F.: National Technical Institute for the Assassination, preservation of items of Deaf Act, labor standard s under. _ 126 evidence 1185 Nonimmigrant aliens, appropriation for D a y of national rededication, proclamaemployment in agriculture 832 tion 1451 Public Works and Economic DevelopKentucky, Appalachian region, county ment Act of 1965, special studies designation 21 under; labor standard s 561, 575 Kings Canyon National Park, Calif., addiReporting requirements, certain, elimtional lands 446 ination 1311 Klamath Tribe of Indians, distribution of Secretary, Office of the, appropriation judgment funds 897 for 592, 832, 1140 Kure Beach, N.C., settlement of claim. _. 129 Service Contract Act of 1965 1034 Solicitor, Office of the, appropriation for 592 Labor, Department of: Sohd Waste Disposal Act, labor standards under 1000 Appalachian Regional Development Wage and Hour Division, appropriation Act of 1965, labor standards under. 21 Apprenticeship and Training, Bureau of, for 591 appropriation for 589, 831 Women's Bureau, appropriation for 591 Appropriation Act, 1966 589 Labor Affairs, Bureau of International, a p Appropriation Act, Supplemental, 1966_ 831 propriation for 592 Appropriation for 87, Labor-Management Policy, President's 104, 204, 285, 589, 831, 1140 Advisory Committee on, appropriation Common carrier employees affected by for 203 demonstration program for h i g h Labor-Management Relations, appropriaspeed transportation, protective tion for 591 arrangements 893 Labor-Management Relations Act, 1947, Elementary and Secondary Education appropriation for effecting proviAct of 1965, labor standard s under, 33, sions 609, 610 44,46 Labor-Management Reporting and DisEmployees' Compensation, Bureau of, closure Act of 1959: appropriation for 591 Amendment, bonding provisions; surety Employment Security, Bureau of, apcompany reports 888 propriation for 88, 589, 831 Appropriation for effecting provisions-591 General provisions, Appropriation Act_ 611 Labor Relations Board, National, approH e a r t Disease, Cancer and Stroke priation for 89, 107,609 Amendments of 1965, labor standards under 929 Labor Standards, Bureau of, appropriation for -, 591 International Labor Affairs, Bureau of, appropriation for 592 Labor Statistics, Bureau of, appropriation for 592 Labor - M a n a g e m e n t relations, appro587 priation for 591 Lake Meredith, Tex., designation