Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/269

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[79 STAT. 229]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 229]

79 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-74-JULY 15, 1965


"(7) An employee or agent of any person described in paragraph (1) through paragraph (5), and a nurse or other medical technician under the supervision of a practitioner licensed by law to administer depressant or stimulant drugs, while such employee, nurse, or medical technician is acting in the course of his employment or occupation and not on his own account. " (b) No person, other than— /^^K^^*^•' ic /-, \



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"(1) a person described m subsection (a), while such person is acting in the ordinary and authorized course of his business, profession, occupation, or employment, or "(2) a common or contract carrier or warehouseman, or an employee thereof, whose possession of any depressant or stimulant drug is in the usual course of his business or employment as such, shall sell, deliver, or otherwise dispose of any depressant or stimulant drug to any other person. "(c) No person, other than a person described in subsection (a) or Possession, subsection (b)(2), shall possess any depressant or stimulant drug '"^^ °"' otherwise than (1) for the personal use of himself or of a member of his household, or (2) for administration to an animal owned by him or a member of his household. I n any criminal prosecution for possession of a depressant or stimulant drug in violation of this subsection (which is made a prohibited act by section 301(q)(3)), the United ^°* P - " ^ States shall have the burden of proof that the possession involved does not come within the exceptions contained in clauses (1) and (2) of Records, the preceding sentence. " (d)(1) Every person engaged in manufacturing, compounding, processing, selling, delivering, or otherwise disposing of any depressant or stimulant drug shall, upon the effective date of this section, prepare a complete and accurate record of all stocks of each such drug on hand and shall keep such record for three years. On and after the effective date of this section, every person manufacturing, compounding, or processing any depressant or stimulant drug shall prepare and lieep, for not less than three years, a complete and accurate record of the kind and quantity of each such drug manufactured, compounded, or processed and the date of such manufacture, compounding, or processing; and every person selling, delivering, or otherwise disposing of any depressant or stimulant drug shall prepare or obtain, and keep for not less than three years, a complete and accurate record of the kind and quantity of each such drug received, sold, delivered, or otherwise disposed of, the name and address of the person, and the registration number, if any, assigned to such person by the Secretary 76 Stat. 794. pursuant to section 510(e), from whom it was received and to whom 21 USC 360. it was sold, delivered, or otherwise disposed of, and the date of such transaction. No separate records, nor set form or forms for any of the foregoing records, shall be required as long as records containing the required information are available. "(2)(A) Every person required by paragraph (1) of this subsec- inspection tion to prepare or obtain, and keep, records, and any carrier maintaining records with respect to any shipment containing any depressant or stimulant drug, and every person m charge, or having custody, of such records, shall, upon request of an officer or employee designated by the Secretary permit such officer or employee at reasonable times to have access to and copy such records. For the purposes of verification of such records and of enforcement of this section, officers or employees