Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/286

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[79 STAT. 246]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 246]


Report to President and Congre s s.

Administrative provisions.

63 Stat, 954; 78 Stat. 400. 5 USC 1071 note. 60 Stat. 810.


Records, public inspection.

PUBLIC LAW 89-80-JULY 22, 1965

[79 STAT.

(2) the effect of the plan on the achievement of other programs for the development of agricultural, urban, energy, industrial, recreational, fish and wildlife, and other resources of the entire Nation; and (3) the contributions which such plan or revision will make in obtaining the Nation's economic and social goals. Based on such review the Council shall— (a) formulate such recommendations as it deems desirable in the national interest; and (b) transmit its recommendations, together with the plan or revision of the river basin commission and the views, comments, and recommendations with respect to such plan or revision submitted by any Federal agency, Governor, interstate commission, or United States section of an international commission, to the President for his review and transmittal to the Congress with his recommendations in regard to authorization of Federal projects. SEC. 105. (a) For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, the Council may: (1) hold such hearings, sit and act at such times and places, take such testimony, receive such evidence, and print or otherwise reproduce and distribute so much of its proceedings and reports thereon as it may deem advisable; (2) acquire, furnish, and equip such office space as is necessary; (3) use the United States mails in the same manner and upon the same conditions as other departments and agencies of the United States; (4) employ and fix the compensation of such personnel as it deems advisable, in accordance with the civil service laws and Classification Act of 1949, as amended; (5) procure services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a), at rates not to exceed $100 per diem for individuals; (6) purchase, hire, operate, and maintain passenger motor vehicles; and (7) incur such necessary expenses and exercise such other powers as are consistent with and reasonably required to perform its functions under this Act. (b) Any member of the Council is authorized to administer oaths when it is determined by a majority of the Council that testimony shall be taken or evidence received under oath. (c) To the extent permitted by law, all appropriate records and papers of the Council may be made available for public inspection during ordinary office hours. (d) Upon request of the Council, the head of any Federal department or agency is authorized (1) to furnish to the Council such information as may be necessary for carrying out its functions and as may be available to or procurable by such department or agency, and (2) to detail to temporary duty with such Council on a reimbursable basis such personnel within his administrative jurisdiction as it may need or believe to be useful for carrying out its functions, each such detail to be without loss of seniority, pay, or other employee status. (e) The Council shall be responsible for (1) the appointment and supervision of personnel, (2) the assignment of duties and responsibilities among such personnel, and (3) the use and expenditures of funds. TITLE II — R IV E R B A S I N COMMISSIONS CREATION OF COMMISSIONS

SEC. 201. (a) The President is authorized to declare the establishment of a river basin water and related land resources commission upon request therefor by the Council, or request addressed to the Council by a State within which all or part of the basin or basins concerned are located if the request by the Council or by a State (1) defines the area, river basin, or group of related river basins for which a commission is requested, (2) is made in writing by the Governor or